
This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in the future.


-moz-force-broken-image-icon is an extended CSS property. The value 1 forces a broken image icon even if the image has an alt attribute. When the value 0 is used the image will act as usual and only display the alt attribute.

Note: Even if the value is set to 1 the alt attribute will still be displayed. More information is available below.

Initial value0
Applies toimages
Computed valueas specified
Canonical orderthe unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar


How to read CSS syntax.


A value of 1 means that the broken image icon is even shown if the image has an alt attribute. A value of 0 only displays the alt attribute.


img {
  -moz-force-broken-image-icon: 1;
<img src='/broken/image/link.png' alt='Broken image link'>

ScreenshotLive sample

Note: Unless the image has a specified height and width the broken image icon will not be displayed but the alt attribute will also be hidden if -moz-force-broken-image-icon is set to 1.


  • This property will only work in Gecko-based browsers.
  • The use of this property is not recommended. A proper alt attribute should be used instead.

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sebastianz, teoli, Sheppy, trevorh, ethertank, McGurk, Jürgen Jeka, BijuGC
 Last updated by: Sebastianz,