
Call this method during the handling of a mousedown event to retarget all mouse events to this element until the mouse button is released or document.releaseCapture() is called.


If true, all events are targeted directly to this element; if false, events can also fire at descendants of this element.


In this example, the current mouse coordinates are drawn while you mouse around after clicking and holding down on an element.

  <title>Mouse Capture Example</title>
  <style type="text/css">
    #myButton {
      border: solid black 1px;
      color: black;
      padding: 2px;
      box-shadow: black 2px 2px;
  <script type="text/javascript">
    function init() {
      var btn = document.getElementById("myButton");
      btn.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseDown, false);
      btn.addEventListener("mouseup", mouseUp, false);
    function mouseDown(e) {
      //e.target.setCapture(); // this method need to be defined
      e.target.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoved, false);
    function mouseUp(e) {
      e.target.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMoved, false);
    function mouseMoved(e) {
      var output = document.getElementById("output");
      output.innerHTML = "Position: " + e.clientX + ", " + e.clientY;
<body onload="init()">
  <p>This is an example of how to use mouse capture on elements in Gecko 2.0.</p>
  <p><a id="myButton" href="#">Test Me</a></p>
  <div id="output">No events yet</div>

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The element may not be scrolled completely to the top or bottom, depending on the layout of other elements.


Based on Internet Explorer's implementation.

See also

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 Last updated by: jpjitendrapal,