
The MediaError interface represents an error which occurred while handling media in an HTML media element based on HTMLMediaElement, such as <audio> or <video>.

A MediaError object describes the error in general terms using a numeric code categorizing the kind of error, and a message, which provides specific diagnostics about what went wrong.


This interface doesn't inherit any properties.

A number which represents the general type of error that occurred, as follows:
Name Value Description
MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED 1 The fetching of the associated resource was aborted by the user's request.
MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK 2 Some kind of network error occurred which prevented the media from being successfully fetched, despite having previously been available.
MEDIA_ERR_DECODE 3 Despite having previously been determined to be usable, an error occurred while trying to decode the media resource, resulting in an error.
MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED 4 The associated resource or media provider object (such as a MediaStream has been found to be unsuitable.
A DOMString object containing a human-readable string which provides specific diagnostic information to help the reader understand the error condition which occurred; specifically, it isn't simply a summary of what the error code means, but actual diagnostic information to help in understanding what exactly went wrong. This text and its format is not defined by the specification and will vary from one user agent to another. If no diagnostics are available, or no explanation can be provided, this value is an empty string ("").


This interface doesn't implement or inherit any methods, and has none of its own.


Specification Status Comment
HTML Living Standard
The definition of 'MediaError' in that specification.
Living Standard  

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support (Yes) (Yes) 3.5 (1.9.1) 9 ? ?
message property 59 ? 51 (51)[1] ? ? ?

[1] While the message property was introduced in Firefox 51, it was only included in nightly builds since it was not part of the specification at that time. As of Firefox 52, it's now available in all builds, including release, since it's now part of the HTML DOM specification.

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: jpmedley, Sheppy, Skwai, libbymc, teoli
 Last updated by: jpmedley,