Publishing on the Firefox Marketplace

Documentation for publishing an app on the Firefox Marketplace.

App testing and troubleshooting
A lightweight guide to testing and troubleshooting to follow before you submit your app to the Firefox Marketplace.
Submitting an app to the Firefox Marketplace
This step-by-step guide will help you successfully submit your app to the Firefox Marketplace.
Marketplace review criteria
An explanation of the criteria an app must meet in order to be published on the Firefox Marketplace; by following the guidelines laid out in this article, you can smooth the process of getting your app published.
Marketplace screenshot criteria
Guidelines for screenshots to submit with your app to maximize its impact and quality in the Marketplace.

Tools for app developers
Technology reference documentation
Getting help from the community

If you still aren't sure how to do what you're trying to get done, feel free to join the conversation!

Don't forget about the netiquette...


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: mehmetaergun, alispivak, chrisdavidmills, markg, mattbasta
 Last updated by: mehmetaergun,