Marketplace showcase criteria

The intent of the Marketplace showcase criteria is to define a higher bar of app quality criteria and to recognize developers who have taken extra care to create compelling, well-designed web apps. Apps that receive Showcase designation represent the best of what the web runtime platform can offer, and are the first apps Mozilla considers for high profile marketing opportunities. This article details the criteria.

Developers don't have do anything extra to get their apps considered for showcase inclusion; any app that complies with the criteria set out below will be considered.

Minimum system requirements

Showcase apps must — at a minimum — run on the following platform specs.

  • Firefox OS v1.3 or above, Android 4.4 KitKat
  • 256mb RAM
  • 3.5” screen, 320x480 resolution.Phone Only
  • 3G cellular network.Phone Only
  • resolution TBD.Tablet Only

Security, content, privacy


  • Apps must have no major or minor bugs that would occur within the first few days of using them. Rare edge case bugs may be permissible, depending on severity.
  • Apps are NOT required to work offline.
  • Must not require Flash, which is not supported by Firefox OS.


  • Apps must launch and show splash screen, loading indicator, or main content within 1 second. Launching to a blank white or black screen for more than 1 second is not acceptable.
  • If using a splash screen or loading indicator, apps should show a usable UI within 5 seconds. For games and other apps that may require more time to download additional assets, app should show a usable UI within 20 seconds.
  • Lag should be undetectable, but may be slightly noticeable on rare occasions.


  • Mobile apps must make full use of the screen. Slight letterboxing is generally acceptable but may disqualify your app from promotional opportunities on specific devices.Mobile Only
  • In the current version of the web runtime, Desktop apps will launch in landscape orientation matching the aspect ratio of the user’s monitor. Stretched phone-sized content or letterboxing is not allowed for the Showcase tier.Desktop Only
  • Apps must not have any obvious UI layout or alignment issues.
  • Apps must not prompt users to "install our app" (they've already installed the app!) They may include non-obtrusive links to the native app on other platforms.
  • Navigation must be designed such that a user doesn’t get "stuck" with nowhere to go, or without a back button.
  • Advertising within the app should be non-intrusive and must not trick the user into clicking.
  • Apps should ideally include some unique element to differentiate from a conventional web document experience.

Marketplace metadata

  • Screenshots must show apps running as apps, with no browser chrome visible.
  • App descriptions should give the same detailed and thorough overview of purpose and functionality as users expect from other app stores. A description consisting of only "The best app to share music with your friends" is insufficient.
  • There are no specific country or language requirements to receive showcase designation, although broadly localized content is much more appealing for use in global marketing campaigns.
  • Existing rating should be at least 3 stars. If apps reach below 2 stars, Mozilla will investigate and if quality concerns are found may remove the showcase designation.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,