Selector (CSS)

A CSS selector is the part of the CSS rule that lets you target which element(s) get styled by the rule. For example:

<div> I am inside of a div element. </div>
<p> I am inside of a paragraph element. </p>
div {
 color: green;
p {
 color: red;

In the first CSS rule, I am selecting the div element and styling it by coloring the text green. In the second CSS rule, I am selecting the p element and styling it by coloring the text red. Here are what these results look like:

CSS selector coding results


Learn more

General knowledge

Technical reference

Selectors Level 3

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: mfluehr, SnoopyRules, ktajpuri, Andrew_Pfeiffer, hbloomer, klez, teoli, ChrisL
 Last updated by: mfluehr,