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  1import contextlib
  2import inspect
  3import logging
  4import pprint
  5import traceback
  6import types
  7from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
  8from dataclasses import dataclass
  9from typing import Any, Optional
 11import sys
 13from mitmproxy import exceptions
 14from mitmproxy import flow
 15from mitmproxy import hooks
 17logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 20def _get_name(itm):
 21    return getattr(itm, "name", itm.__class__.__name__.lower())
 24def cut_traceback(tb, func_name):
 25    """
 26    Cut off a traceback at the function with the given name.
 27    The func_name's frame is excluded.
 29    Args:
 30        tb: traceback object, as returned by sys.exc_info()[2]
 31        func_name: function name
 33    Returns:
 34        Reduced traceback.
 35    """
 36    tb_orig = tb
 37    for _, _, fname, _ in traceback.extract_tb(tb):
 38        tb = tb.tb_next
 39        if fname == func_name:
 40            break
 41    return tb or tb_orig
 45def safecall():
 46    try:
 47        yield
 48    except (exceptions.AddonHalt, exceptions.OptionsError):
 49        raise
 50    except Exception:
 51        etype, value, tb = sys.exc_info()
 52        tb = cut_traceback(tb, "invoke_addon_sync")
 53        tb = cut_traceback(tb, "invoke_addon")
 54        logger.error(
 55            "Addon error: %s" % "".join(traceback.format_exception(etype, value, tb))
 56        )
 59class Loader:
 60    """
 61    A loader object is passed to the load() event when addons start up.
 62    """
 64    def __init__(self, master):
 65        self.master = master
 67    def add_option(
 68        self,
 69        name: str,
 70        typespec: type,
 71        default: Any,
 72        help: str,
 73        choices: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
 74    ) -> None:
 75        """
 76        Add an option to mitmproxy.
 78        Help should be a single paragraph with no linebreaks - it will be
 79        reflowed by tools. Information on the data type should be omitted -
 80        it will be generated and added by tools as needed.
 81        """
 82        if name in self.master.options:
 83            existing = self.master.options._options[name]
 84            same_signature = (
 85                existing.name == name
 86                and existing.typespec == typespec
 87                and existing.default == default
 88                and existing.help == help
 89                and existing.choices == choices
 90            )
 91            if same_signature:
 92                return
 93            else:
 94                logger.warning("Over-riding existing option %s" % name)
 95        self.master.options.add_option(name, typespec, default, help, choices)
 97    def add_command(self, path: str, func: Callable) -> None:
 98        """Add a command to mitmproxy.
100        Unless you are generating commands programatically,
101        this API should be avoided. Decorate your function with `@mitmproxy.command.command` instead.
102        """
103        self.master.commands.add(path, func)
106def traverse(chain):
107    """
108    Recursively traverse an addon chain.
109    """
110    for a in chain:
111        yield a
112        if hasattr(a, "addons"):
113            yield from traverse(a.addons)
117class LoadHook(hooks.Hook):
118    """
119    Called when an addon is first loaded. This event receives a Loader
120    object, which contains methods for adding options and commands. This
121    method is where the addon configures itself.
122    """
124    loader: Loader
127class AddonManager:
128    def __init__(self, master):
129        self.lookup = {}
130        self.chain = []
131        self.master = master
132        master.options.changed.connect(self._configure_all)
134    def _configure_all(self, updated):
135        self.trigger(hooks.ConfigureHook(updated))
137    def clear(self):
138        """
139        Remove all addons.
140        """
141        for a in self.chain:
142            self.invoke_addon_sync(a, hooks.DoneHook())
143        self.lookup = {}
144        self.chain = []
146    def get(self, name):
147        """
148        Retrieve an addon by name. Addon names are equal to the .name
149        attribute on the instance, or the lower case class name if that
150        does not exist.
151        """
152        return self.lookup.get(name, None)
154    def register(self, addon):
155        """
156        Register an addon, call its load event, and then register all its
157        sub-addons. This should be used by addons that dynamically manage
158        addons.
160        If the calling addon is already running, it should follow with
161        running and configure events. Must be called within a current
162        context.
163        """
164        api_changes = {
165            # mitmproxy 6 -> mitmproxy 7
166            "clientconnect": f"The clientconnect event has been removed, use client_connected instead",
167            "clientdisconnect": f"The clientdisconnect event has been removed, use client_disconnected instead",
168            "serverconnect": "The serverconnect event has been removed, use server_connect and server_connected instead",
169            "serverdisconnect": f"The serverdisconnect event has been removed, use server_disconnected instead",
170            # mitmproxy 8 -> mitmproxy 9
171            "add_log": "The add_log event has been deprecated, use Python's builtin logging module instead",
172        }
173        for a in traverse([addon]):
174            for old, msg in api_changes.items():
175                if hasattr(a, old):
176                    logger.warning(
177                        f"{msg}. For more details, see https://docs.mitmproxy.org/dev/addons-api-changelog/."
178                    )
179            name = _get_name(a)
180            if name in self.lookup:
181                raise exceptions.AddonManagerError(
182                    "An addon called '%s' already exists." % name
183                )
184        l = Loader(self.master)
185        self.invoke_addon_sync(addon, LoadHook(l))
186        for a in traverse([addon]):
187            name = _get_name(a)
188            self.lookup[name] = a
189        for a in traverse([addon]):
190            self.master.commands.collect_commands(a)
191        self.master.options.process_deferred()
192        return addon
194    def add(self, *addons):
195        """
196        Add addons to the end of the chain, and run their load event.
197        If any addon has sub-addons, they are registered.
198        """
199        for i in addons:
200            self.chain.append(self.register(i))
202    def remove(self, addon):
203        """
204        Remove an addon and all its sub-addons.
206        If the addon is not in the chain - that is, if it's managed by a
207        parent addon - it's the parent's responsibility to remove it from
208        its own addons attribute.
209        """
210        for a in traverse([addon]):
211            n = _get_name(a)
212            if n not in self.lookup:
213                raise exceptions.AddonManagerError("No such addon: %s" % n)
214            self.chain = [i for i in self.chain if i is not a]
215            del self.lookup[_get_name(a)]
216        self.invoke_addon_sync(addon, hooks.DoneHook())
218    def __len__(self):
219        return len(self.chain)
221    def __str__(self):
222        return pprint.pformat([str(i) for i in self.chain])
224    def __contains__(self, item):
225        name = _get_name(item)
226        return name in self.lookup
228    async def handle_lifecycle(self, event: hooks.Hook):
229        """
230        Handle a lifecycle event.
231        """
232        message = event.args()[0]
234        await self.trigger_event(event)
236        if isinstance(message, flow.Flow):
237            await self.trigger_event(hooks.UpdateHook([message]))
239    def _iter_hooks(self, addon, event: hooks.Hook):
240        """
241        Enumerate all hook callables belonging to the given addon
242        """
243        assert isinstance(event, hooks.Hook)
244        for a in traverse([addon]):
245            func = getattr(a, event.name, None)
246            if func:
247                if callable(func):
248                    yield a, func
249                elif isinstance(func, types.ModuleType):
250                    # we gracefully exclude module imports with the same name as hooks.
251                    # For example, a user may have "from mitmproxy import log" in an addon,
252                    # which has the same name as the "log" hook. In this particular case,
253                    # we end up in an error loop because we "log" this error.
254                    pass
255                else:
256                    raise exceptions.AddonManagerError(
257                        f"Addon handler {event.name} ({a}) not callable"
258                    )
260    async def invoke_addon(self, addon, event: hooks.Hook):
261        """
262        Asynchronously invoke an event on an addon and all its children.
263        """
264        for addon, func in self._iter_hooks(addon, event):
265            res = func(*event.args())
266            # Support both async and sync hook functions
267            if res is not None and inspect.isawaitable(res):
268                await res
270    def invoke_addon_sync(self, addon, event: hooks.Hook):
271        """
272        Invoke an event on an addon and all its children.
273        """
274        for addon, func in self._iter_hooks(addon, event):
275            if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(func):
276                raise exceptions.AddonManagerError(
277                    f"Async handler {event.name} ({addon}) cannot be called from sync context"
278                )
279            func(*event.args())
281    async def trigger_event(self, event: hooks.Hook):
282        """
283        Asynchronously trigger an event across all addons.
284        """
285        for i in self.chain:
286            try:
287                with safecall():
288                    await self.invoke_addon(i, event)
289            except exceptions.AddonHalt:
290                return
292    def trigger(self, event: hooks.Hook):
293        """
294        Trigger an event across all addons.
296        This API is discouraged and may be deprecated in the future.
297        Use `trigger_event()` instead, which provides the same functionality but supports async hooks.
298        """
299        for i in self.chain:
300            try:
301                with safecall():
302                    self.invoke_addon_sync(i, event)
303            except exceptions.AddonHalt:
304                return
class Loader:
 60class Loader:
 61    """
 62    A loader object is passed to the load() event when addons start up.
 63    """
 65    def __init__(self, master):
 66        self.master = master
 68    def add_option(
 69        self,
 70        name: str,
 71        typespec: type,
 72        default: Any,
 73        help: str,
 74        choices: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
 75    ) -> None:
 76        """
 77        Add an option to mitmproxy.
 79        Help should be a single paragraph with no linebreaks - it will be
 80        reflowed by tools. Information on the data type should be omitted -
 81        it will be generated and added by tools as needed.
 82        """
 83        if name in self.master.options:
 84            existing = self.master.options._options[name]
 85            same_signature = (
 86                existing.name == name
 87                and existing.typespec == typespec
 88                and existing.default == default
 89                and existing.help == help
 90                and existing.choices == choices
 91            )
 92            if same_signature:
 93                return
 94            else:
 95                logger.warning("Over-riding existing option %s" % name)
 96        self.master.options.add_option(name, typespec, default, help, choices)
 98    def add_command(self, path: str, func: Callable) -> None:
 99        """Add a command to mitmproxy.
101        Unless you are generating commands programatically,
102        this API should be avoided. Decorate your function with `@mitmproxy.command.command` instead.
103        """
104        self.master.commands.add(path, func)

A loader object is passed to the load() event when addons start up.

def add_option( self, name: str, typespec: type, default: Any, help: str, choices: Optional[collections.abc.Sequence[str]] = None) -> None:
68    def add_option(
69        self,
70        name: str,
71        typespec: type,
72        default: Any,
73        help: str,
74        choices: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
75    ) -> None:
76        """
77        Add an option to mitmproxy.
79        Help should be a single paragraph with no linebreaks - it will be
80        reflowed by tools. Information on the data type should be omitted -
81        it will be generated and added by tools as needed.
82        """
83        if name in self.master.options:
84            existing = self.master.options._options[name]
85            same_signature = (
86                existing.name == name
87                and existing.typespec == typespec
88                and existing.default == default
89                and existing.help == help
90                and existing.choices == choices
91            )
92            if same_signature:
93                return
94            else:
95                logger.warning("Over-riding existing option %s" % name)
96        self.master.options.add_option(name, typespec, default, help, choices)

Add an option to mitmproxy.

Help should be a single paragraph with no linebreaks - it will be reflowed by tools. Information on the data type should be omitted - it will be generated and added by tools as needed.

def add_command(self, path: str, func: collections.abc.Callable) -> None:
 98    def add_command(self, path: str, func: Callable) -> None:
 99        """Add a command to mitmproxy.
101        Unless you are generating commands programatically,
102        this API should be avoided. Decorate your function with `@mitmproxy.command.command` instead.
103        """
104        self.master.commands.add(path, func)

Add a command to mitmproxy.

Unless you are generating commands programatically, this API should be avoided. Decorate your function with @mitmproxy.command.command instead.