Uses of Class

Packages that use UnitValue

Uses of UnitValue in net.miginfocom.layout

Fields in net.miginfocom.layout declared as UnitValue
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.
static UnitValue IDEUtil.BOTTOM
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.
static UnitValue IDEUtil.CENTER
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.
static UnitValue IDEUtil.INF
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.
static UnitValue IDEUtil.LABEL
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.
static UnitValue IDEUtil.LEADING
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.
static UnitValue IDEUtil.LEFT
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.
static UnitValue IDEUtil.RIGHT
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.
static UnitValue IDEUtil.TOP
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.
static UnitValue IDEUtil.TRAILING
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.
static UnitValue IDEUtil.ZERO
          A direct reference to the corresponding value for predefined UnitValues in UnitValue.

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout that return UnitValue
 UnitValue DimConstraint.getAlign()
          Returns the alignment used either as a default value for sub-entities or for this entity.
 UnitValue DimConstraint.getAlignOrDefault(boolean isCols)
 UnitValue LC.getAlignX()
          If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent.
 UnitValue LC.getAlignY()
          If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent.
static UnitValue PlatformDefaults.getDialogInsets(int side)
          Returns the default dialog inset depending of the current platform.
 UnitValue[] LC.getInsets()
          The insets for the layed out panel.
 UnitValue BoundSize.getMax()
          Returns the maximum size as sent into the constructor.
 UnitValue BoundSize.getMin()
          Returns the minimum size as sent into the constructor.
static UnitValue PlatformDefaults.getMinimumButtonWidth()
          Returns the recommended minimum button width depending on the current set platform.
 UnitValue[] CC.getPadding()
          Returns the absolute resizing in the last stage of the layout cycle.
static UnitValue PlatformDefaults.getPanelInsets(int side)
          Returns the default panel inset depending of the current platform.
 UnitValue[] CC.getPos()
          Returns the absolute positioning of one or more of the edges.
 UnitValue[] LayoutCallback.getPosition(ComponentWrapper comp)
          Returns a position similar to the "pos" the component constraint.
 UnitValue BoundSize.getPreferred()
          Returns the preferred size as sent into the constructor.
 UnitValue[] UnitValue.getSubUnits()
static UnitValue PlatformDefaults.getUnitValueX(java.lang.String unit)
          Returns the unit value associated with the unit.
static UnitValue PlatformDefaults.getUnitValueY(java.lang.String unit)
          Returns the unit value associated with the unit.
static UnitValue[] ConstraintParser.parseInsets(java.lang.String s, boolean acceptPanel)
          Parses insets which consists of 1-4 UnitValues.
static UnitValue ConstraintParser.parseUnitValue(java.lang.String s, boolean isHor)
          Parses a single unit value.
static UnitValue ConstraintParser.parseUnitValueOrAlign(java.lang.String s, boolean isHor, UnitValue emptyReplacement)
          Parses a single unit value that may also be an alignment as parsed by ConstraintParser.parseAlignKeywords(String, boolean).

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout with parameters of type UnitValue
 boolean Grid.layout(int[] bounds, UnitValue alignX, UnitValue alignY, boolean debug, boolean checkPrefChange)
          Does the actual layout.
static UnitValue ConstraintParser.parseUnitValueOrAlign(java.lang.String s, boolean isHor, UnitValue emptyReplacement)
          Parses a single unit value that may also be an alignment as parsed by ConstraintParser.parseAlignKeywords(String, boolean).
 void DimConstraint.setAlign(UnitValue uv)
          Sets the alignment used wither as a default value for sub-entities or for this entity.
 void LC.setAlignX(UnitValue uv)
          If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent.
 void LC.setAlignY(UnitValue uv)
          If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent.
static void PlatformDefaults.setDialogInsets(UnitValue top, UnitValue left, UnitValue bottom, UnitValue right)
          Sets the default insets for a dialog.
static void PlatformDefaults.setGridCellGap(UnitValue x, UnitValue y)
          Sets gap between two cells in the grid.
static void PlatformDefaults.setIndentGap(UnitValue x, UnitValue y)
          Sets gap value for components that are "intended".
 void LC.setInsets(UnitValue[] ins)
          The insets for the layed out panel.
static void PlatformDefaults.setMinimumButtonWidth(UnitValue width)
          Sets the recommended minimum button width.
 void CC.setPadding(UnitValue[] sides)
          Sets the absolute resizing in the last stage of the layout cycle.
static void PlatformDefaults.setPanelInsets(UnitValue top, UnitValue left, UnitValue bottom, UnitValue right)
          Sets the default insets for a dialog.
static void PlatformDefaults.setParagraphGap(UnitValue x, UnitValue y)
          Sets paragraph gap value for components.
 void CC.setPos(UnitValue[] pos)
          Sets absolute positioning of one or more of the edges.
static void PlatformDefaults.setRelatedGap(UnitValue x, UnitValue y)
          Sets gap value for components that are "related".
static void PlatformDefaults.setUnitValue(java.lang.String[] unitStrings, UnitValue x, UnitValue y)
          Sets the unit value associated with a unit string.
static void PlatformDefaults.setUnrelatedGap(UnitValue x, UnitValue y)
          Sets gap value for components that are "unrelated".

Constructors in net.miginfocom.layout with parameters of type UnitValue
BoundSize(UnitValue minMaxPref, java.lang.String createString)
          Constructor that use the same value for min/preferred/max size.
BoundSize(UnitValue min, UnitValue preferred, UnitValue max, boolean gapPush, java.lang.String createString)
BoundSize(UnitValue min, UnitValue preferred, UnitValue max, java.lang.String createString)

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