Uses of Class

Packages that use LC

Uses of LC in net.miginfocom.layout

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout that return LC
 LC LC.align(java.lang.String ax, java.lang.String ay)
          Sets both the alignX and alignY as the same time.
 LC LC.alignX(java.lang.String align)
          Same functionality as setAlignX(ConstraintParser.parseUnitValueOrAlign(unitValue, true)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.alignY(java.lang.String align)
          Same functionality as setAlignY(ConstraintParser.parseUnitValueOrAlign(align, false)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.bottomToTop()
          Same functionality as setTopToBottom(boolean false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.debug(int repaintMillis)
          Same functionality as setDebugMillis(int repaintMillis) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.fill()
          Same functionality as setFillX(boolean true) and setFillY(boolean true) conmbined.T his method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.fillX()
          Same functionality as setFillX(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.fillY()
          Same functionality as setFillY(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.flowX()
          Same functionality as setFlowX(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.flowY()
          Same functionality as setFlowX(boolean false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.gridGap(java.lang.String gapx, java.lang.String gapy)
          Sets both grid gaps at the same time.
 LC LC.gridGapX(java.lang.String boundsSize)
          Same functionality as setGridGapX(ConstraintParser.parseBoundSize(boundsSize, true, true)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.gridGapY(java.lang.String boundsSize)
          Same functionality as setGridGapY(ConstraintParser.parseBoundSize(boundsSize, true, false)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.height(java.lang.String height)
          The height for the container as a min and/or preferred and/or maximum height.
 LC LC.hideMode(int mode)
          Same functionality as setHideMode(int mode) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.insets(java.lang.String s)
          Same functionality as setInsets(ConstraintParser.parseInsets(s, true)).
 LC LC.insets(java.lang.String top, java.lang.String left, java.lang.String bottom, java.lang.String right)
          Sets the different insets (expressed as a UnitValues, e.g.
 LC LC.insetsAll(java.lang.String allSides)
          Sets the same inset (expressed as a UnitValue, e.g.
 LC LC.leftToRight(boolean b)
          Same functionality as setLeftToRight(Boolean) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.maxHeight(java.lang.String height)
          The maximum height for the container.
 LC LC.maxWidth(java.lang.String width)
          The maximum width for the container.
 LC LC.minHeight(java.lang.String height)
          The minimum height for the container.
 LC LC.minWidth(java.lang.String width)
          The minimum width for the container.
 LC LC.noCache()
          Same functionality as setNoCache(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.noGrid()
          Same functionality as setNoGrid(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.noVisualPadding()
          Same functionality as setVisualPadding(boolean false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.pack()
          Short for, and thus same as, .pack("pref", "pref").
 LC LC.pack(java.lang.String width, java.lang.String height)
          Sets the pack width and height.
 LC LC.packAlign(float alignX, float alignY)
          Sets the pack width and height alignment.
static LC ConstraintParser.parseLayoutConstraint(java.lang.String s)
          Parses the layout constraints and stores the parsed values in the transient (cache) member varables.
 LC LC.rightToLeft()
          Same functionality as setLeftToRight(false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.topToBottom()
          Same functionality as setTopToBottom(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 LC LC.width(java.lang.String width)
          The width for the container as a min and/or preferred and/or maximum width.
 LC LC.wrap()
          Sets a wrap after the number of columns/rows that is defined in the AC.
 LC LC.wrapAfter(int count)
          Same functionality as setWrapAfter(int) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout with parameters of type LC
static java.lang.String IDEUtil.getConstraintString(LC lc, boolean asAPI)
          Returns the a constraint string that can be re-parsed to be the exact same LayoutConstraint.
static boolean LayoutUtil.isLeftToRight(LC lc, ContainerWrapper container)
          Returns if left-to-right orientation is used.

Constructors in net.miginfocom.layout with parameters of type LC
Grid(ContainerWrapper container, LC lc, AC rowConstr, AC colConstr, java.util.Map<ComponentWrapper,CC> ccMap, java.util.ArrayList<LayoutCallback> callbackList)

Uses of LC in net.miginfocom.swing

Constructors in net.miginfocom.swing with parameters of type LC
MigLayout(LC layoutConstraints)
MigLayout(LC layoutConstraints, AC colConstraints)
MigLayout(LC layoutConstraints, AC colConstraints, AC rowConstraints)

Uses of LC in net.miginfocom.swt

Constructors in net.miginfocom.swt with parameters of type LC
MigLayout(LC layoutConstraints)
MigLayout(LC layoutConstraints, AC colConstraints)
MigLayout(LC layoutConstraints, AC colConstraints, AC rowConstraints)

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