Uses of Class

Packages that use CC

Uses of CC in net.miginfocom.layout

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout that return CC
 CC CC.alignX(java.lang.String align)
          Same functionality as getHorizontal().setAlign(ConstraintParser.parseUnitValue(unitValue, true)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.alignY(java.lang.String align)
          Same functionality as getVertical().setAlign(ConstraintParser.parseUnitValue(unitValue, true)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.cell(int... colRowWidthHeight)
          Set the cell(s) that the component should occupy in the grid.
 CC CC.dockEast()
          Same functionality as setDockSide(int 3) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.dockNorth()
          Same functionality as setDockSide(int 0) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.dockSouth()
          Same functionality as setDockSide(int 2) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.dockWest()
          Same functionality as setDockSide(int 1) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.endGroup(java.lang.String... xy)
          The end group(s) that this component should be placed in.
 CC CC.endGroupX(java.lang.String s)
          Specifies that the component should be put in the end group s and will thus share the same ending coordinate as them within the group.
 CC CC.endGroupY(java.lang.String s)
          The end group that this component should be placed in.
 CC CC.external()
          Same functionality as setExternal(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.flowX()
          Same functionality as setFlowX(Boolean .TRUE) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.flowY()
          Same functionality as setFlowX(Boolean .FALSE) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC args)
          Corresponds exactly to the "gap left right top bottom" keyword.
 CC CC.gapAfter(java.lang.String boundsSize)
          Sets the horizontal gap after the component.
 CC CC.gapBefore(java.lang.String boundsSize)
          Sets the horizontal gap before the component.
 CC CC.gapBottom(java.lang.String boundsSize)
          Sets the gap below the component.
 CC CC.gapLeft(java.lang.String boundsSize)
          Sets the gap to the left the component.
 CC CC.gapRight(java.lang.String boundsSize)
          Sets the gap to the right of the component.
 CC CC.gapTop(java.lang.String boundsSize)
          Sets the gap above the component.
 CC CC.gapX(java.lang.String before, java.lang.String after)
          The horizontal gap before and/or after the component.
 CC CC.gapY(java.lang.String before, java.lang.String after)
          The vertical gap before (normally above) and/or after (normally below) the component.
 CC CC.grow()
          Same functionality as growX() and growY().
 CC CC.grow(float... widthHeight)
          grow weight for the component horizontally and optionally vertically.
 CC CC.growPrio(int... widthHeight)
          Grow priority for the component horizontally and optionally vertically.
 CC CC.growPrioX(int p)
          The grow priority compared to other components in the same cell.
 CC CC.growPrioY(int p)
          The grow priority compared to other components in the same cell.
 CC CC.growX()
          Grow weight for the component horizontally.
 CC CC.growX(float w)
          Grow weight for the component horizontally.
 CC CC.growY()
          Grow weight for the component vertically.
 CC CC.growY(java.lang.Float w)
          Grow weight for the component vertically.
 CC CC.height(java.lang.String size)
          The size for the component as a min and/or preferred and/or maximum size.
 CC CC.hideMode(int mode)
          How this component, if hidden (not visible), should be treated.
 CC s)
          The id used to reference this component in some constraints.
 CC CC.maxHeight(java.lang.String size)
          The maximum size for the component.
 CC CC.maxWidth(java.lang.String size)
          The maximum size for the component.
 CC CC.minHeight(java.lang.String size)
          The minimum size for the component.
 CC CC.minWidth(java.lang.String size)
          The minimum size for the component.
 CC CC.newline()
          Same functionality as setNewline(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.newline(java.lang.String gapSize)
          Same functionality as setNewlineGapSize(BoundSize) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.pad(int top, int left, int bottom, int right)
          Same functionality as setPadding(UnitValue[]) but the unit values as absolute pixels.
 CC CC.pad(java.lang.String pad)
          Same functionality as setPadding(ConstraintParser.parseInsets(pad, false))} only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
static CC ConstraintParser.parseComponentConstraint(java.lang.String s)
          Parses one component constraint and returns the parsed value.
 CC CC.pos(java.lang.String x, java.lang.String y)
          Same functionality as x(String x) and y(String y) toghether.
 CC CC.pos(java.lang.String x, java.lang.String y, java.lang.String x2, java.lang.String y2)
          Same functionality as x(String x), y(String y), y2(String y) and y2(String y) toghether.
 CC CC.push()
          Same functionality as pushX().pushY() which means this cell will push in both x and y dimensions.
 CC CC.push(java.lang.Float weightX, java.lang.Float weightY)
          Same functionality as pushX(weightX).pushY(weightY) which means this cell will push in both x and y dimensions.
 CC CC.pushX()
          Same functionality as setPushX(Float) which means this cell will push the rest of the row.
 CC CC.pushX(java.lang.Float weight)
          Same functionality as setPushX(Float weight) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.pushY()
          Same functionality as #setPushY(Float)) which means this cell will push the rest of the column.
 CC CC.pushY(java.lang.Float weight)
          Same functionality as setPushY(Float weight) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.shrink(float... widthHeight)
          Shrink weight for the component horizontally and optionally vertically.
 CC CC.shrinkPrio(int... widthHeight)
          Shrink priority for the component horizontally and optionally vertically.
 CC CC.shrinkPrioX(int p)
          The shrink priority compared to other components in the same cell.
 CC CC.shrinkPrioY(int p)
          The shrink priority compared to other components in the same cell.
 CC CC.shrinkX(float w)
          Shrink weight for the component horizontally.
 CC CC.shrinkY(float w)
          Shrink weight for the component horizontally.
 CC CC.sizeGroup(java.lang.String... xy)
          The size group(s) that this component should be placed in.
 CC CC.sizeGroupX(java.lang.String s)
          Specifies that the component should be put in the size group s and will thus share the same size as them within the group.
 CC CC.sizeGroupY(java.lang.String s)
          The size group that this component should be placed in.
 CC CC.skip()
          Same functionality as skip(1).
 CC CC.skip(int cells)
          Same functionality as setSkip(int) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.span(int... cells)
          Same functionality as spanX(cellsX).spanY(cellsY) which means this cell will span cells in both x and y.
 CC CC.spanX()
          Same functionality as setSpanX(int) which means this cell will span the rest of the row.
 CC CC.spanX(int cells)
          Same functionality as setSpanX(int) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.spanY()
          Same functionality as setSpanY(int LayoutUtil.INF) which means this cell will span the rest of the column.
 CC CC.spanY(int cells)
          Same functionality as setSpanY(int) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.split()
          Same functionality as split(LayoutUtil.INF), which means split until one of the keywords that breaks the split is found for a component after this one (e.g.
 CC CC.split(int parts)
          Same functionality as setSplit(int parts) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.tag(java.lang.String tag)
          Same functionality as setTag(String tag) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.width(java.lang.String size)
          The size for the component as a min and/or preferred and/or maximum size.
 CC CC.wrap()
          Same functionality as setWrap(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.wrap(java.lang.String gapSize)
          Same functionality as setWrapGapSize(BoundSize) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.
 CC CC.x(java.lang.String x)
          Sets the x-coordinate for the component.
 CC CC.x2(java.lang.String x2)
          Sets the x2-coordinate for the component (right side).
 CC CC.y(java.lang.String y)
          Sets the y-coordinate for the component.
 CC CC.y2(java.lang.String y2)
          Sets the y2-coordinate for the component (bottom side).

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout that return types with arguments of type CC
static java.util.Map<ComponentWrapper,CC> ConstraintParser.parseComponentConstraints(java.util.Map<ComponentWrapper,java.lang.String> constrMap)
          Parses all component constraints and stores the parsed values in the transient (cache) member varables.

Methods in net.miginfocom.layout with parameters of type CC
static java.lang.String IDEUtil.getConstraintString(CC cc, boolean asAPI)
          Returns the a constraint string that can be re-parsed to be the exact same LayoutConstraint.

Constructor parameters in net.miginfocom.layout with type arguments of type CC
Grid(ContainerWrapper container, LC lc, AC rowConstr, AC colConstr, java.util.Map<ComponentWrapper,CC> ccMap, java.util.ArrayList<LayoutCallback> callbackList)

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