config |
Configuration for drop shadow. It can have these attributes:
- angle {int} The direction toward which the shadow is cast
(in degrees: [0, 360], clockwise). The default value is 45.
- color {String} The color of the shadow. The string format is "#RRGGBB"
- knockout {Boolean} If knockout is true, then the object to which the shadow
effect is applied knocks out the shadow where it overlaps, allowing the background to show through.
- offset {float} The offset between the casted shadow and the object (in pixels).
The value should be a positive value. Default value is 2.
- opacity {float} The opacity of the shadow. A number between 0 and 1.
Default value is 0.5
- radius {float} Defines how hazy, or how blurry, the drop shadow is.
Default value is 2.
- applyToLayer {boolean} When true, the filter is applied to the layer as a
whole. When false, the filter is applied to the individual features. Default is true.