Class: Geocoder

OM.lbs. Geocoder

new Geocoder(metaData)

Geocoder is a helper class for various geocoding functions. Once constructed,
it can be used to geocode a single address, a batch of addresses, or reverse
geocode a longitude/latitude point.

Name Type Description
metaData Object

MetaData is a class that provides capability and data coverage information for the
various services hosted on Oracle's eLocation servers.


batchGeoCode(addressList, callBack)

Use this method to efficiently batch geocode multiple addresses.

Name Type Description
addressList array

an array of addresses to be geocoded.

callBack function

a user specified function that is invoked when
the input address is geocoded. It should declare one parameter, which is an
address object that contains the geocoded result.

var addressList = [
      {"id":"100", "address":"1 oracle drv, Nashua, NH, 03062"},
      {"id":"101", "address":"500 oracle pkwy, Redwood City, CA 94065"}

     gc.bactchGeocode(addressList, function(results, status) {
             for(var i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
                var result = results[i];
                     var match = result.matches[0];
                     alert("address "" : "+match.longitude+", "+match.latitude);

geocode(address, callBack)

This method invokes the geocoding service on Oracle's eLocation server to obtain the longitude/latitude
information for a given street address. It then invokes the user defined
callback function and passes in the geocoded result. The call back function can
then look up the result, extract the longitude/latitude information and display
it on a map.

Name Type Description
address Object

address is a single JSON object containing the input address.

callBack function

is a user specified function that is invoked when
the input address is geocoded. It should declare two parameters 'result' and 'status'.
The 'status' parameter contains general status regarding the current geocoding request.
For instance it will be set to Geocoder.STATUS_FAILED if there is network issue and the
geocoding server cannot be reached. A value of Geocoder.STATUS_OK indicates the
geocoding call went through, but it does not necessarily mean the input address
actually has found a match by the service.
The 'result' parameter contains the actual geocoding result, with the following
properties that an application can look up:

  • id : the id (if any) specified in the input address.

  • rawResponse : the raw (XML) response from the geocoding service.

  • matches : an array containing one or more instances of Match class

//a single JSON object address
  var addr = {id:"100", address:"1 oracle drv, Nashua, NH, 03062", matchCode:OM.lbs.Geocoder.MATCH_MODE_RELAX_POSTAL_CODE} ;
  gc.geocode(addr, function(result, status) {
      if(status===Geocoder.STATUS_OK && result.matches)
         var match = result.matches[0];
         alert(long: +match.longitude + , lat: +match.latitude);
//a formatted address
  //we can use the formatted address if we know the value for each field of the address. Now we support formatted address:
  //OM.lbs.GdfFormAddress, OM.lbs.GenFormAddress, OM.lbs.USForm1Address, OM.lbs.USForm2Address.
  //These could have a good performance.

  var options={street:"1 Oracle Drive", builtupArea:"Nashua", order1Area:"NH", postalCode:"03062", country:"US",  matchCode:OM.lbs.Geocoder.MATCH_MODE_RELAX_POSTAL_CODE};    
  var address=new OM.lbs.GdfFormAddress(options);
  gc.geocode(addr, function(result, status) {
      if(status===Geocoder.STATUS_OK && result.matches)
         var match = result.matches[0];
         alert(long: +match.longitude + , lat: +match.latitude);

reverseGeocode(longitude, latitude, callback)

Find the nearest address to the specified location. Upon successful reverse geocoding,
an instance of the OM.lbs.OutputAddress is passed to the callback function.

Name Type Description
longitude number

the longitude of the location

latitude number

the latitude of the location

callback function

is a user specified function that is invoked when
the input address is successfully reverse geocoded.

reverseGeocodePoint(mapPoint, callback)

Finds the nearest postal address to the specified map location point.
Similar to reverseGeocode but uses a OM.geometry.Point instance which
may be in a projected coordinate system (as opposed to longitude/latitude).
Such a point is typically obtained from the OM.Map's getCursorLocation() method,
and its coordinates are always in the current map universe's SRID.

Name Type Description
mapPoint OM.geometry.Point

a Point geometry

callback function

callback function on success reverse geocoding