Oracle® Call Interface Programmer's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E10646-10 |
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Table 19-4 describes the OCI date and interval functions that are described in this section.
LNOCI17391Table 19-4 Date Functions
Function | Purpose |
Add or subtract days |
Add or subtract months |
Assign date |
Check if the given date is valid |
Compare dates |
Get number of days between two dates |
Convert string to date |
Get the date portion of a date |
Get the time portion of a date |
Get date of last day of month |
Get date of next day |
Set the date portion of a date |
Set the time portion of a date |
Get the current system date and time |
Perform a datetime assignment |
Check if the given date is valid |
Compare two datetime values |
Construct a datetime descriptor |
Convert one datetime type to another |
Convert an array of size |
Convert the given string to Oracle datetime type in the |
Get the date (year, month, day) portion of a datetime value |
Get the time (hour, min, second, fractional second) of a datetime value |
Get the time zone name portion of a datetime value |
Get the time zone (hour, minute) portion of a datetime value |
Add an interval to a datetime to produce a resulting datetime |
Subtract an interval from a datetime and store the result in a datetime |
Take two datetimes as input and store their difference in an interval |
Get the system current date and time as a time stamp with time zone |
Convert an |
Convert the given date to a string according to the specified format |
Convert date to string |
Convert date from one time zone to another zone |
Add two intervals to produce a resulting interval |
Copy one interval to another |
Check the validity of an interval |
Compare two intervals |
Divide an interval by an Oracle |
Convert an Oracle |
When given an interval string, return the interval represented by the string |
Return an |
Get values of day, hour, minute, and second from an interval |
Get year and month from an interval |
Multiply an interval by an Oracle |
Set day, hour, minute, and second in an interval |
Set year and month in an interval |
Subtract two intervals and stores the result in an interval |
Convert an interval to an Oracle NUMBER |
When given an interval, produce a string representing the interval |
Adds or subtracts days from a given date.
sword OCIDateAddDays ( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, sb4 num_days, OCIDate *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
The given date from which to add or subtract.
Number of days to be added or subtracted. A negative value is subtracted.
Result of adding days to, or subtracting days from, date
This function returns an error if an invalid date is passed to it.
OCIErrorGet(), OCIDateAddMonths()
LNOCI17393Adds or subtracts months from a given date.
sword OCIDateAddMonths ( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, sb4 num_months, OCIDate *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
The given date from which to add or subtract.
Number of months to be added or subtracted. A negative value is subtracted.
Result of adding days to, or subtracting days from, date
If the input date
is the last day of a month, then the appropriate adjustments are made to ensure that the output date is also the last day of the month. For example, Feb. 28 + 1 month = March 31, and November 30 – 3 months = August 31. Otherwise the result
date has the same day component as date
This function returns an error if an invalid date is passed to it.
OCIErrorGet(), OCIDateAddDays()
LNOCI17394Performs a date assignment.
sword OCIDateAssign ( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *from, OCIDate *to );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Date to be assigned.
Target of assignment.
This function assigns a value from one OCIDate
variable to another.
Checks if the given date is valid.
sword OCIDateCheck ( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, uword *valid );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Date to be checked.
Returns zero for a valid date; otherwise, it returns the logical operator OR combination of all error bits specified in Table 19-5.
LNOCI17396Table 19-5 Error Bits Returned by the valid Parameter for OCIDateCheck()
Macro Name | Bit Number | Error |
0x1 |
Bad day |
0x2 |
Bad day low/high bit (1=low) |
0x4 |
Bad month |
0x8 |
Bad month low/high bit (1=low) |
0x10 |
Bad year |
0x20 |
Bad year low/high bit (1=low) |
0x40 |
Bad hour |
0x80 |
Bad hour low/high bit (1=low) |
0x100 |
Bad minute |
0x200 |
Bad minute low/high bit (1=low) |
0x400 |
Bad second |
0x800 |
Bad second low/high bit (1=low) |
0x1000 |
Day is one of those missing from 1582 |
0x2000 |
Year may not equal zero |
0x8000 |
Bad date format input |
For example, if the date passed in was 2/0/1990 25:61:10 in (month/day/year hours:minutes:seconds format), the error returned is:
This function returns an error if date
or valid
pointer is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCIDateCompare()
LNOCI17397Compares two dates.
sword OCIDateCompare ( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date1, const OCIDate *date2, sword *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Dates to be compared.
Comparison result as listed in Table 19-6.
LNOCI17398Table 19-6 Comparison Results
Comparison Result | Output in result Parameter |
-1 |
0 |
1 |
This function returns an error if an invalid date is passed to it.
LNOCI17399Gets the number of days between two dates.
sword OCIDateDaysBetween ( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date1, const OCIDate *date2, sb4 *num_days );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Input date.
Input date.
Number of days between date1
and date2
When the number of days between date1
and date2
is computed, the time is ignored.
This function returns an error if an invalid date is passed to it.
LNOCI17400Converts a character string to a date type according to the specified format.
sword OCIDateFromText ( OCIError *err, const OraText *date_str, ub4 d_str_length, const OraText *fmt, ub1 fmt_length, const OraText *lang_name, ub4 lang_length, OCIDate *date );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Input string to be converted to Oracle date.
Size of the input string. If the length is –1, then date_str
is treated as a NULL
-terminated string.
Conversion format. If fmt
is a NULL
pointer, then the string is expected to be in "DD-MON-YY" format.
Length of the fmt
Language in which the names and abbreviations of days and months are specified. If lang_name
is a NULL
string, (text *)0
, then the default language of the session is used.
Length of the lang_name
Given string converted to date.
See the TO_DATE
conversion function described in the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for a description of format and multilingual arguments.
This function returns an error if it receives an invalid format, language, or input string.
OCIErrorGet(), OCIDateToText()
LNOCI17401Gets the year, month, and day stored in an Oracle date.
void OCIDateGetDate ( const OCIDate *date, sb2 *year, ub1 *month, ub1 *day );
Oracle date whose year, month, day data is retrieved.
Year value returned.
Month value returned.
Day value returned.
OCIDateSetDate(), OCIDateGetTime()
LNOCI17402Gets the time stored in an Oracle date.
void OCIDateGetTime ( const OCIDate *date, ub1 *hour, ub1 *min, ub1 *sec );
Oracle date whose time data is retrieved.
Hour value returned.
Minute value returned.
Second value returned.
Returns the time information in the form: hour, minute and seconds.
OCIDateSetTime(), OCIDateGetDate()
LNOCI17403Gets the date of the last day of the month in a specified date.
sword OCIDateLastDay ( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, OCIDate *last_day );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Input date.
Last day of the month in date
This function returns an error if an invalid date is passed to it.
OCIErrorGet(), OCIDateGetDate()
LNOCI17404Gets the date of the next day of the week after a given date.
sword OCIDateNextDay ( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, const OraText *day, ub4 day_length, OCIDate *next_day );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Returned date should be later than this date.
First day of the week named by this is returned.
Length in bytes of string day
First day of the week named by day
that is later than date
Returns the date of the first day of the week named by day
that is later than date
Example 19-3 shows how to get the date of the next Monday after April 18, 1996 (a Thursday).
Example 19-3 Getting the Date for a Specific Day After a Specified Date
OCIDate one_day, next_day; /* Add code here to set one_day to be '18-APR-96' */ OCIDateNextDay(err, &one_day, "MONDAY", strlen("MONDAY"), &next_day);
returns "22-APR-96".
This function returns an error if an invalid date or day is passed to it.
OCIErrorGet(), OCIDateGetDate()
LNOCI17405Set the values in an Oracle date.
void OCIDateSetDate ( OCIDate *date, sb2 year, ub1 month, ub1 day );
Oracle date whose time data is set.
Year value to be set.
Month value to be set.
Day value to be set.
LNOCI17406Sets the time information in an Oracle date.
void OCIDateSetTime ( OCIDate *date, ub1 hour, ub1 min, ub1 sec );
Oracle date whose time data is set.
Hour value to be set.
Minute value to be set.
Second value to be set.
LNOCI17407Gets the current system date and time of the client.
sword OCIDateSysDate ( OCIError *err, OCIDate *sys_date );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Current system date and time of the client.
LNOCI17409Performs a datetime assignment.
sword OCIDateTimeAssign ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *from, OCIDateTime *to );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle. If a user session handle is passed, the conversion occurs in the session's NLS_LANGUAGE
and the session's NLS_CALENDAR
; otherwise, the default is used.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Source, right-hand side (rhs
) datetime to be assigned.
Target, left-hand side (lhs
) of assignment.
This function performs an assignment from the from
datetime to the to
datetime for any of the datetime types listed in the description of the type
The type
of the output is the same as that of the input.
OCIDateTimeCheck(), OCIDateTimeConstruct()
LNOCI17410Checks if the given date is valid.
sword OCIDateTimeCheck ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date, ub4 *valid );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle. If a user session handle is passed, the conversion occurs in the session's NLS_LANGUAGE
and the session's NLS_CALENDAR
, otherwise, the default is used.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
The date to be checked.
Returns zero for a valid date; otherwise, it returns the logical operator OR combination of all the error bits specified in Table 19-7.
LNOCI17411Table 19-7 Error Bits Returned by the valid Parameter for OCIDateTimeCheck()
Macro Name | Bit Number | Error |
0x1 |
Bad day |
0x2 |
Bad day low/high bit (1=low) |
0x4 |
Bad month |
0x8 |
Bad month low/high bit (1=low) |
0x10 |
Bad year |
0x20 |
Bad year low/high bit (1=low) |
0x40 |
Bad hour |
0x80 |
Bad hour low/high bit (1=low) |
0x100 |
Bad minute |
0x200 |
Bad minute low/high bit (1=low) |
0x400 |
Bad second |
0x800 |
Bad second low/high bit (1=low) |
0x1000 |
Day is one of those missing from 1582 |
0x2000 |
Year may not equal zero |
0x4000 |
Bad time zone |
0x8000 |
Bad date format input |
So, for example, if the date passed in was 2/0/1990 25:61:10 in (month/day/year hours:minutes:seconds format), the error returned is:
, if err is a NULL
pointer; OCI_ERROR
, if date
or valid
is a NULL
Compares two datetime values.
sword OCIDateTimeCompare ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date1, const OCIDateTime *date2, sword *result );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Dates to be compared.
Comparison result as listed in Table 19-8.
LNOCI17413Table 19-8 Comparison Results Returned by the result Parameter for OCIDateTimeCompare()
Comparison Result | Output in result Parameter |
-1 |
0 |
1 |
, if err is a NULL
pointer; OCI_ERROR
, if an invalid date is used or if the input date arguments are not of mutually comparable types.
Constructs a datetime descriptor.
sword OCIDateTimeConstruct ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *datetime, sb2 year, ub1 month, ub1 day, ub1 hour, ub1 min, ub1 sec, ub4 fsec, OraText *timezone, size_t timezone_length );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to an OCIDateTime
Year value.
Month value.
Day value.
Hour value.
Minute value.
Second value.
Fractional second value.
Time zone string. A string representation of time zone displacement is the difference (in hours and minutes) between local time and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time—formerly Greenwich Mean Time) in the format "[+|-][HH:MM]". For example, "-08:00".
Length of the time zone string.
The type of the datetime is the type of the OCIDateTime
descriptor. Only the relevant fields based on the type are used. For types with a time zone, the date and time fields are assumed to be in the local time of the specified time zone.
If the time zone is not specified, then the session default time zone is assumed.
, if datetime is not valid.
OCIDateTimeAssign(), OCIDateTimeConvert()
LNOCI17415Converts one datetime type to another.
sword OCIDateTimeConvert ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *indate, OCIDateTime *outdate );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
A pointer to the input date.
A pointer to the output datetime.
This function converts one datetime type to another. The result type is the type of the outdate
descriptor. The session default time zone (ORA_SDTZ
) is used when converting a datetime without a time zone to one with a time zone.
if err
, if the conversion is not possible with the given input values.
Converts an array containing a date to an OCIDateTime
sword OCIDateTimeFromArray ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const ub1 *inarray, ub4 *len ub1 type, OCIDateTime *datetime, const OCIInterval *reftz, ub1 fsprec );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Array of ub1, containing the date.
Length of inarray
Type of the resulting datetime. The array is converted to the specific SQLT type.
Pointer to an OCIDateTime
Descriptor for OCIInterval
used as a reference when converting a SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LT
Fractional second precision of the resulting datetime.
if type
is invalid.
OCIDateTimeFromText(), OCIDateTimeToArray()
LNOCI17417Converts the given string to an Oracle datetime type in the OCIDateTime
descriptor, according to the specified format.
sword OCIDateTimeFromText ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OraText *date_str, size_t dstr_length, const OraText *fmt, ub1 fmt_length, const OraText *lang_name, size_t lang_length, OCIDateTime *datetime );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle. If a user session handle is passed, the conversion occurs in the session's NLS_LANGUAGE and the session's NLS_CALENDAR; otherwise, the default is used.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
The input string to be converted to an Oracle datetime.
The size of the input string. If the length is –1, then date_str
is treated as a NULL
-terminated string.
The conversion format. If fmt
is a NULL
pointer, then the string is expected to be in the default format for the datetime type.
The length of the fmt
Specifies the language in which the names and abbreviations of months and days are specified. The default language of the session is used if lang_name
= (text *)0
The length of the lang_name
The given string converted to a date.
See the description of the TO_DATE
conversion function in the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for a description of the format argument.
if err
, if any of the following is true:
An invalid format is used.
An unknown language is used.
An invalid input string is used.
OCIDateTimeToText(), OCIDateTimeFromArray().
LNOCI17418Gets the date (year, month, day) portion of a datetime value.
void OCIDateTimeGetDate ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *datetime, sb2 *year, ub1 *month, ub1 *day );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to an OCIDateTime
descriptor from which date information is retrieved.
The retrieved year, month, and day values.
This function gets the date (year, month, day) portion of a datetime value.
, if the input type is SQLT_TIME
Gets the time (hour, min, second, fractional second) of a datetime value.
void OCIDateTimeGetTime ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *datetime, ub1 *hour, ub1 *min, ub1 *sec, ub4 *fsec );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to an OCIDateTime
descriptor from which time information is retrieved.
The retrieved hour value.
The retrieved minute value.
The retrieved second value.
The retrieved fractional second value.
This function gets the time portion (hour, min, second, fractional second) from a given datetime value.
This function returns an error if the given datetime does not contain time information.
, if datetime does not contain time (SQLT_DATE
Gets the time zone name portion of a datetime value.
void OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneName ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *datetime, ub1 *buf, ub4 *buflen, );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to an OCIDateTime
Buffer to store the retrieved time zone name.
The size of the buffer (IN). The size of the name field (OUT)
This function gets the time portion (hour, min, second, fractional second) from a given datetime value.
This function returns an error if the given datetime does not contain time information.
, if datetime does not contain a time zone (SQLT_DATE
OCIDateTimeGetDate(), OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneOffset()
LNOCI17421Gets the time zone (hour, minute) portion of a datetime value.
void OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneOffset ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *datetime, sb1 *hour, sb1 *min, );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to an OCIDateTime
The retrieved time zone hour value.
The retrieved time zone minute value.
This function gets the time zone hour and the time zone minute portion from a given datetime value.
This function returns an error if the given datetime does not contain time information.
, if datetime does not contain a time zone (SQLT_DATE
OCIDateTimeGetDate(), OCIDateTimeGetTimeZoneName()
LNOCI17422Adds an interval to a datetime to produce a resulting datetime.
sword OCIDateTimeIntervalAdd ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *datetime, OCIInterval *inter, OCIDateTime *outdatetime );
The user session or environment handle. If a session handle is passed, the addition occurs in the session default calendar.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to the input datetime.
Pointer to the input interval.
Pointer to the output datetime. The output datetime is of same type as the input datetime.
, if the function completes successfully; OCI_INVALID_HANDLE
, if err
is a NULL
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, if the resulting date is before Jan 1, -4713 or is after Dec 31, 9999.
Subtracts an interval from a datetime and stores the result in a datetime.
sword OCIDateTimeIntervalSub ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *datetime, OCIInterval *inter, OCIDateTime *outdatetime );
The user session or environment handle. If a session handle is passed, the subtraction occurs in the session default calendar. The interval is assumed to be in the session calendar.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to the input datetime value.
Pointer to the input interval.
Pointer to the output datetime. The output datetime is of same type as the input datetime.
, if the function completes successfully; OCI_INVALID_HANDLE
, if err
is a NULL
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, if the resulting date is before Jan 1, -4713 or is after Dec 31, 9999.
Takes two datetimes as input and stores their difference in an interval.
sword OCIDateTimeSubtract ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *indate1, OCIDateTime *indate2, OCIInterval *inter );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to the subtrahend (number to be subtracted).
Pointer to the minuend (number to be subtracted from).
Pointer to the output interval.
, if the function completes successfully; OCI_INVALID_HANDLE
if err
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, if the input datetimes are not of comparable types.
Gets the system current date and time as a time stamp with time zone.
sword OCIDateTimeSysTimeStamp ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIDateTime *sys_date );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to the output time stamp.
, if err
is a NULL
Converts an OCIDateTime
descriptor to an array.
sword OCIDateTimeToArray ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *datetime, const OCIInterval *reftz, ub1 *outarray, ub4 *len ub1 fsprec );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to an OCIDateTime
Descriptor for the OCIInterval
used as a reference when converting the SQL_TIMESTAMP_LTZ
Array of bytes containing the date.
Length of outarray
Fractional second precision in the array.
The array is allocated by OCI and its length is returned.
, if datetime is invalid.
OCIDateTimeToText(), OCIDateTimeFromArray()
LNOCI17427Converts the given date to a string according to the specified format.
sword OCIDateTimeToText ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIDateTime *date, const OraText *fmt, ub1 fmt_length, ub1 fsprec, const OraText *lang_name, size_t lang_length, ub4 *buf_size, OraText *buf );
The OCI user session handle or environment handle. If a user session handle is passed, the conversion occurs in the session's NLS_LANGUAGE
and the session's NLS_CALENDAR
; otherwise, the default is used.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Oracle datetime value to be converted.
The conversion format. If it is a NULL
string pointer, (text*)0
, then the date is converted to a character string in the default format for that type.
The length of the fmt
Specifies the precision in which the fractional seconds value is returned.
Specifies the language in which the names and abbreviations of months and days are returned. The default language of the session is used if lang_name
= (OraText *)0
The length of the lang_name
The size of the buf
buffer (IN).
The size of the resulting string after the conversion (OUT).
The buffer into which the converted string is placed.
See the description of the TO_DATE
conversion function in the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for a description of format and multilingual arguments. The converted NULL-terminated date string is stored in the buffer buf
, if err
, if any of the following statements is true:
The buffer is too small.
An invalid format is used.
An unknown language is used.
There is an overflow error.
Converts a date type to a character string.
sword OCIDateToText ( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, const OraText *fmt, ub1 fmt_length, const OraText *lang_name, ub4 lang_length, ub4 *buf_size, OraText *buf );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Oracle date to be converted.
Conversion format. If NULL
, (text *)0
, then the date is converted to a character string in the default date format, DD-MON-YY.
Length of the fmt
Specifies the language in which names and abbreviations of months and days are returned; the default language of the session is used if lang_name
((text *)0
Length of the lang_name
Size of the buffer (IN). Size of the resulting string is returned with this parameter (OUT).
Buffer into which the converted string is placed.
Converts the given date to a string according to the specified format. The converted NULL
-terminated date string is stored in buf
See the TO_DATE
conversion function described in the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for a description of format and multilingual arguments.
This function returns an error if the buffer is too small, or if the function is passed an invalid format or unknown language. Overflow also causes an error. For example, converting a value of 10 into format '9' causes an error.
OCIErrorGet(), OCIDateFromText()
LNOCI17428Converts a date from one time zone to another.
sword OCIDateZoneToZone ( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date1, const OraText *zon1, ub4 zon1_length, const OraText *zon2, ub4 zon2_length, OCIDate *date2 );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Date to convert.
Zone of the input date.
Length in bytes of zon1
Zone to be converted to.
Length in bytes of zon2
Converted date (in zon2
Converts a given date date1
in time zone zon1
to a date date2
in time zone zon2
. Works only with North American time zones.
For a list of valid zone strings, see the description of the NEW_TIME
function in the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference. Examples of valid zone strings include:
AST, Atlantic Standard Time
ADT, Atlantic Daylight Time
BST, Bering Standard Time
BDT, Bering Daylight Time
This function returns an error if an invalid date or time zone is passed to it.
LNOCI17429Adds two intervals to produce a resulting interval.
sword OCIIntervalAdd ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *addend1, OCIInterval *addend2, OCIInterval *result );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Interval to be added.
Interval to be added.
The resulting interval (addend1
+ addend2
, if err
is a NULL
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, if any of the following statements is true:
The two input intervals are not mutually comparable.
The resulting year is greater than SB4MAXVAL
The resulting year is less than SB4MINVAL
Copies one interval to another.
void OCIIntervalAssign ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *inpinter, OCIInterval *outinter );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Input interval.
Output interval.
, if err
is a NULL
Checks the validity of an interval.
sword OCIIntervalCheck ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *interval, ub4 *valid );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Interval to be checked.
Returns zero if the interval is valid; otherwise, it returns the logical operator OR combination of the codes specified in Table 19-9.
LNOCI17432Table 19-9 Error Bits Returned by the valid Parameter for OCIIntervalCheck()
Macro Name | Bit Number | Error |
0x1 |
Bad day |
0x2 |
Bad day low/high bit (1=low) |
0x4 |
Bad month |
0x8 |
Bad month low/high bit (1=low) |
0x10 |
Bad year |
0x20 |
Bad year low/high bit (1=low) |
0x40 |
Bad hour |
0x80 |
Bad hour low/high bit (1=low) |
0x100 |
Bad minute |
0x200 |
Bad minute low/high bit (1=low) |
0x400 |
Bad second |
0x800 |
Bad second low/high bit (1=low) |
0x1000 |
Bad fractional second |
0x2000 |
Bad fractional second low/high bit (1=low) |
, if err
is a NULL
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, on error.
Compares two intervals.
sword OCIIntervalCompare (void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *inter1, OCIInterval *inter2, sword *result );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Interval to be compared.
Interval to be compared.
Comparison result as specified in Table 19-10.
LNOCI17434Table 19-10 Comparison Results Returned by the result Parameter for OCIIntervalCompare()
Comparison Result | Output in result Parameter |
-1 |
0 |
1 |
, if err
is a NULL
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, if the input values are not mutually comparable.
Divides an interval by an Oracle NUMBER
to produce an interval.
sword OCIIntervalDivide ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *dividend, OCINumber *divisor, OCIInterval *result );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Interval to be divided.
dividing dividend
The resulting interval ( dividend
/ divisor
, if err
is a NULL
Converts an Oracle NUMBER
to an interval.
sword OCIIntervalFromNumber ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *interval, OCINumber *number );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Interval result.
to be converted (in years for YEAR TO MONTH intervals and in days for DAY TO SECOND intervals).
, if err
is a NULL
When given an interval string, returns the interval represented by the string. The type of the interval is the type of the result
sword OCIIntervalFromText ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OraText *inpstring, size_t str_len, OCIInterval *result );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Input string.
Length of the input string.
Resultant interval.
, if err
is a NULL
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, if any of the following statements is true:
There are too many fields in the literal string.
The year is out of range (–4713 to 9999).
The month is out of range (1 to 12).
The day of month is out of range (1 to 28...31).
The hour is out of range (0 to 23).
The hour is out of range (0 to 11).
The minutes are out of range (0 to 59).
The seconds in the minute are out of range (0 to 59).
The seconds in the day are out of range (0 to 86399).
The interval is invalid.
of data type OCIInterval
with the region ID set (if the region is specified in the input string) and the current absolute offset, or an absolute offset with the region ID set to 0.
sword OCIIntervalFromTZ ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const oratext *inpstring, size_t str_len, OCIInterval *result ) ;
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to the input string.
Length of inpstring
Output interval.
, on success; OCI_INVALID_HANDLE
, if err is NULL
, if there is a bad interval type or there are time zone errors.
The input string must be of the form [+/-]TZH:TZM or 'TZR [TZD]'
LNOCI17439Gets values of day, hour, minute, and second from an interval.
sword OCIIntervalGetDaySecond (void *hndl, OCIError *err, sb4 *dy, sb4 *hr, sb4 *mm, sb4 *ss, sb4 *fsec, const OCIInterval *interval );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Number of days.
Number of hours.
Number of minutes.
Number of seconds.
Number of fractional seconds.
The input interval.
, if err
is a NULL
Gets year and month from an interval.
sword OCIIntervalGetYearMonth ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, sb4 *yr, sb4 *mnth, const OCIInterval *interval );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Year value.
Month value.
The input interval.
, if err
is a NULL
Multiplies an interval by an Oracle NUMBER
to produce an interval.
sword OCIIntervalMultiply ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *inter, OCINumber *nfactor, OCIInterval *result );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Interval to be multiplied.
to be multiplied.
The resulting interval (inter
* nfactor
, if err
is a NULL
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, if any of the following statements is true:
The resulting year is greater than SB4MAXVAL
The resulting year is less than SB4MINVAL
Sets day, hour, minute, and second in an interval.
sword OCIIntervalSetDaySecond ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, sb4 dy, sb4 hr, sb4 mm, sb4 ss, sb4 fsec, OCIInterval *result );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Number of days.
Number of hours.
Number of minutes.
Number of seconds.
Number of fractional seconds.
The resulting interval.
, if err
is a NULL
Sets year and month in an interval.
sword OCIIntervalSetYearMonth ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, sb4 yr, sb4 mnth, OCIInterval *result );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Year value.
Month value.
The resulting interval.
, if err
is a NULL
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, if any of the following statements is true:
The resulting year is greater than SB4MAXVAL
The resulting year is less than SB4MINVAL
Subtracts two intervals and stores the result in an interval.
sword OCIIntervalSubtract ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *minuend, OCIInterval *subtrahend, OCIInterval *result );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
The interval to be subtracted from.
The interval subtracted from minuend
The resulting interval (minuend
- subtrahend
, if err
is a NULL
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, if any of the following statements is true:
The resulting year is greater than SB4MAXVAL
The resulting year is less than SB4MINVAL
The two input intervals are not mutually comparable.
Converts an interval to an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCIIntervalToNumber ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, OCIInterval *interval, OCINumber *number );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Interval to be converted.
result (in years for YEARMONTH
interval and in days for DAYSECOND
Fractional portions of the date (for instance, minutes and seconds if the unit chosen is hours) are included in the Oracle NUMBER
produced. Excess precision is truncated.
, if err
is a NULL
When given an interval, produces a string representing the interval.
sword OCIIntervalToText ( void *hndl, OCIError *err, const OCIInterval *interval, ub1 lfprec, ub1 fsprec, OraText *buffer, size_t buflen, size_t *resultlen );
The OCI user session handle or the environment handle.
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Interval to be converted.
Leading field precision. (The number of digits used to represent the leading field.)
Fractional second precision of the interval (the number of digits used to represent the fractional seconds).
Buffer to hold the result.
The length of buffer
The length of the result placed into buffer
The interval literal is output as 'year' or '[year-]month' for INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH
intervals and as 'seconds' or 'minutes[:seconds]' or 'hours[:minutes[:seconds]]' or 'days[ hours[:minutes[:seconds]]]' for INTERVAL
intervals (where optional fields are surrounded by brackets).
, if err
is a NULL
pointer; or OCI_ERROR
, if the buffer is not large enough to hold the result.