Oracle® Call Interface Programmer's Guide 11g Release 2 (11.2) Part Number E10646-10 |
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Table 19-11 describes the OCI NUMBER
functions that are described in this section.
See Also:
"OCINumber Examples"LNOCI17447Table 19-11 NUMBER Functions
Function | Purpose |
Compute the absolute value |
Add |
Compute the arc cosine |
Compute the arc sine |
Compute the arc tangent |
Compute the arc tangent of two |
Assign one |
Compute the ceiling of |
Compare |
Compute the cosine |
Decrement a |
Divide two |
Raise e to the specified Oracle |
Compute the floor value of a |
Convert an integer to an Oracle |
Convert a real type to an Oracle |
Convert a string to an Oracle |
Compute the hyperbolic cosine |
Compute the hyperbolic sine |
Compute the hyperbolic tangent |
Increment an Oracle |
Raise a given base to an integer power |
Test if a |
Test if a |
Compute the natural logarithm |
Compute the logarithm to an arbitrary base |
Gets the modulus (remainder) of the division of two Oracle |
Multiply two Oracle |
Negates an Oracle |
Raises a given base to a given exponent |
Round a |
Round an Oracle |
Initialize a |
Initialize a |
Multiply by 10, shifting a specified number of decimal places |
Obtain the sign of an Oracle |
Compute the sine |
Compute the square root of a |
Subtract |
Compute the tangent |
Convert an Oracle |
Convert an Oracle |
Convert an array of |
Convert an Oracle |
Truncate an Oracle |
Computes the absolute value of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberAbs ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
The absolute value of the input NUMBER
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
Adds two Oracle NUMBER
s together.
sword OCINumberAdd ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
s to be added.
Result of adding number1
to number2
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
Takes the arc cosine in radians of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberArcCos ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Argument of the arc cosine.
Result of the arc cosine in radians.
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
, if number
is less than –1, or if number
is greater than 1.
Takes the arc sine in radians of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberArcSin ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Argument of the arc sine.
Result of the arc sine in radians.
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
, if number
is less than –1, or if number
is greater than 1.
Takes the arc tangent in radians of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberArcTan ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Argument of the arc tangent.
Result of the arc tangent in radians.
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
Takes the arc tangent of two Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberArcTan2 ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Argument 1 of the arc tangent.
Argument 2 of the arc tangent.
Result of the arc tangent in radians.
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
or if number2
equals 0.
Assigns one Oracle NUMBER
to another Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberAssign ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *from, OCINumber *to );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
to be assigned.
copied into.
Assigns the NUMBER
identified by from
to the NUMBER
identified by to
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
Computes the ceiling value of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberCeil ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Output that contains the ceiling value of the input NUMBER
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberFloor()
LNOCI17456Compares two Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberCmp ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, sword *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
s to compare.
Comparison result as specified in Table 19-12.
LNOCI17457Table 19-12 Comparison Results Returned by the result Parameter for OCINumberCmp()
Comparison Result | Output in result Parameter |
negative |
positive |
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberAssign()
LNOCI17458Computes the cosine in radians of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberCos ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Argument of the cosine in radians.
Result of the cosine.
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberArcCos()
LNOCI17459Decrements an Oracle NUMBER
in place.
sword OCINumberDec ( OCIError *err, OCINumber *number );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
A positive Oracle NUMBER
to be decremented.
Decrements an Oracle NUMBER
in place. It is assumed that the input is an integer between 0 and 100^21-2. If the input is too large, it is treated as 0; the result is an Oracle NUMBER
1. If the input is not a positive integer, the result is unpredictable.
This function returns an error if the input NUMBER
Divides two Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberDiv ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to the numerator.
Pointer to the denominator.
Division result.
Divides number1
by number2
and returns the result in result
This function returns an error if any of the following statements is true:
Any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
There is an underflow error.
There is a divide-by-zero error.
Raises e to the specified Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberExp ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
This function raises e to this Oracle NUMBER
Output of exponentiation.
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
Computes the floor (round down) value of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberFloor ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
The floor (round down) value of the input NUMBER
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberCeil()
LNOCI17463Converts an integer to an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberFromInt ( OCIError *err, const void *inum, uword inum_length, uword inum_s_flag, OCINumber *number );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to the integer to convert.
Size of the integer.
Flag that designates the sign of the integer, as follows:
- Unsigned values
- Signed values
Given integer converted to Oracle NUMBER
This is a native type conversion function. It converts any Oracle standard system-native integer type, such as ub4
or sb2
, to an Oracle NUMBER
This function returns an error if the number is too big to fit into an Oracle NUMBER
, if number
or inum
, or if an invalid sign flag value is passed in inum_s_flag
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberToInt()
LNOCI17464Converts a real (floating-point) type to an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberFromReal ( OCIError *err, const void *rnum, uword rnum_length, OCINumber *number );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to the floating-point number to convert.
The size of the desired result, which equals sizeof
| double
| long double
Given float converted to Oracle NUMBER
This is a native type conversion function. It converts a system-native floating-point type to an Oracle NUMBER
This function returns an error if number
or rnum
, or if rnum_length
equals zero.
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberToReal()
LNOCI17465Converts a character string to an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberFromText ( OCIError *err, const OraText *str, ub4 str_length, const OraText *fmt, ub4 fmt_length, const OraText *nls_params, ub4 nls_p_length, OCINumber *number );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Input string to convert to Oracle NUMBER
Size of the input string.
Conversion format.
Length of the fmt
Globalization support format specification. If it is the NULL
string (""), then the default parameters for the session are used.
Length of the nls_params
Given string converted to NUMBER
Converts the given string to a NUMBER
according to the specified format. See the TO_NUMBER
conversion function described in the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for a description of format and multilingual parameters.
This function returns an error if there is an invalid format, an invalid multibyte format, or an invalid input string, if number
or str
, or if str_length
is zero.
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberToText()
LNOCI17466Computes the hyperbolic cosine of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberHypCos ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Argument of the cosine hyperbolic.
Result of the cosine hyperbolic.
This function returns an error if either of the number
arguments is NULL
overflow causes an unpredictable result value.OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberHypSin(), OCINumberHypTan()
LNOCI17467Computes the hyperbolic sine of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberHypSin ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Argument of the sine hyperbolic.
Result of the sine hyperbolic.
This function returns an error if either of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
overflow causes an unpredictable result value.OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberHypCos(), OCINumberHypTan()
LNOCI17468Computes the hyperbolic tangent of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberHypTan ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Argument of the tangent hyperbolic.
Result of the tangent hyperbolic.
This function returns an error if either of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
overflow causes an unpredictable result value.OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberHypCos(), OCINumberHypSin()
LNOCI17469Increments an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberInc ( OCIError *err, OCINumber *number );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
A positive Oracle NUMBER
to be incremented.
Increments an Oracle NUMBER
in place. It is assumed that the input is an integer between 0 and 100^21-2. If the input is too large, it is treated as 0 - the result is an Oracle NUMBER
1. If the input is not a positive integer, the result is unpredictable.
This function returns an error if the input NUMBER
Raises a given base to a given integer power.
sword OCINumberIntPower ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *base, const sword exp, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Base of the exponentiation.
Exponent to which the base is raised.
Output of exponentiation.
This function returns an error if either of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberPower()
LNOCI17471Tests if an OCINumber is an integer.
sword OCINumberIsInt ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, boolean *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
to be tested.
Set to TRUE
if integer value; otherwise, FALSE
This function returns an error if number
or result
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberRound(), OCINumberTrunc()
LNOCI17472Tests if the given NUMBER
equals zero.
sword OCINumberIsZero ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, boolean *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
to compare.
Set to TRUE
if equal to zero; otherwise, set to FALSE
This function returns an error if the NUMBER
argument is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberSetZero()
LNOCI17473Takes the natural logarithm (base e) of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberLn ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Logarithm of this NUMBER
is computed.
Logarithm result.
This function returns an error if either of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
, or if number
is less than or equal to zero.
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberExp(), OCINumberLog()
LNOCI17474Takes the logarithm, to any base, of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberLog ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *base, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Base of the logarithm.
Logarithm result.
This function returns an error if:
Any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
The value of number
<= 0
The value of base
<= 0
Gets the modulus (remainder) of the division of two Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberMod ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to the numerator.
Pointer to the denominator.
Remainder of the result.
This function returns an error if number1
or number2
, or if there is a divide-by-zero error.
Multiplies two Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberMul ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
to multiply.
to multiply.
Multiplication result.
Multiplies number1
with number2
and returns the result in result
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
Negates an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberNeg ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
to negate.
Contains negated value of number
This function returns an error if either of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberAbs(), OCINumberSign()
LNOCI17478Raises a given base to a given exponent.
sword OCINumberPower ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *base, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Base of the exponentiation.
Exponent to which the base is to be raised.
Output of exponentiation.
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
Rounds an OCINumber
to a specified number of decimal digits.
sword OCINumberPrec ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, eword nDigs, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
The number for which to set precision.
The number of decimal digits desired in the result.
The result.
Performs a floating-point round with respect to the number of digits.
This function returns an error any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberRound()
LNOCI17480Rounds an Oracle NUMBER
to a specified decimal place.
sword OCINumberRound ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, sword decplace, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
to round.
Number of decimal digits to the right of the decimal point to round to. Negative values are allowed.
Output of rounding.
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberTrunc()
LNOCI17481Sets an OCINumber
to pi.
void OCINumberSetPi ( OCIError *err, OCINumber *num );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
set to the value of pi.
Initializes the given NUMBER
to the value of pi.
Initializes an Oracle NUMBER
to zero.
void OCINumberSetZero ( OCIError *err OCINumber *num );
A valid OCI error handle. This function does not check for errors because the function never produces an error.
to initialize to zero value.
LNOCI17483Multiplies a NUMBER
by a power of 10 by shifting it a specified number of decimal places.
sword OCINumberShift ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, const sword nDig, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
to be shifted.
Number of decimal places to shift.
Shift result.
Multiplies number
by 10^nDig
and sets product
to the result.
This function returns an error if the input number
Gets sign of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberSign ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, sword *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
whose sign is returned.
Table 19-13 lists the possible return values.
LNOCI17485Table 19-13 Values of result
Value of number | Output in result Parameter |
-1 |
0 |
1 |
This function returns an error if number
or result
Computes the sine in radians of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberSin ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Argument of the sine in radians.
Result of the sine.
This function returns an error if either of the number
arguments is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberArcSin()
LNOCI17487Computes the square root of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberSqrt ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Output that contains the square root of the input NUMBER
This function returns an error if number
or number
is negative.
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberPower()
LNOCI17488Subtracts two Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberSub ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
This function subtracts number2
from number1
Subtraction result.
Subtracts number2
from number1
and returns the result in result
This function returns an error if any of the number
arguments is NULL
Computes the tangent in radians of an Oracle NUMBER
sword OCINumberTan ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Argument of the tangent in radians.
Result of the tangent.
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberArcTan(), OCINumberArcTan2()
LNOCI17490Converts an Oracle NUMBER
type to integer.
sword OCINumberToInt ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, uword rsl_length, uword rsl_flag, void *rsl );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
to convert.
Size of the desired result.
Flag that designates the sign of the output, as follows:
- Unsigned values
- Signed values
Pointer to space for the result.
This is a native type conversion function. It converts the given Oracle NUMBER
into an integer of the form xbn
, such as ub2
, ub4
, or sb2
This function returns an error if number
or rsl
, if number
is too big (overflow) or too small (underflow), or if an invalid sign flag value is passed in rsl_flag
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberFromInt()
LNOCI17491Converts an Oracle NUMBER
type to a real type.
sword OCINumberToReal ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, uword rsl_length, void *rsl );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
to convert.
The size of the desired result, which equals sizeof
({ float
| double
| long double
Pointer to space for storing the result.
This is a native type conversion function. It converts an Oracle NUMBER
into a system-native real type. This function only converts NUMBER
s up to LDBL_DIG, DBL_DIG, or FLT_DIG digits of precision and removes trailing zeros. These constants are defined in float.h
You must pass a valid OCINumber
to this function. Otherwise, the result is undefined.
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberFromReal()
LNOCI17492Converts an array of NUMBER
to an array of real type.
sword OCINumberToRealArray ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber **number, uword elems, uword rsl_length, void *rsl );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Pointer to array of NUMBER
to be converted.
Maximum number of NUMBER
The size of the desired result, that is, sizeof({ float | double | long double
Pointer to array of space for storing the result.
Native type conversion function that converts an Oracle NUMBER
into a system-native real type. This function only converts numbers up to LDBL_DI
, or FLT_DIG
digits of precision and removes trailing zeroes. The constants are defined in the float.h
header file.
You must pass a valid OCINumber
to this function. Otherwise, the result is undefined.
, if the function completes successfully; OCI_INVALID_HANDLE
, if err
, if number
or rsl
or rsl_length
is 0.
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberToReal()
LNOCI17493Converts an Oracle NUMBER
to a character string according to a specified format.
sword OCINumberToText ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, const OraText *fmt, ub4 fmt_length, const OraText *nls_params, ub4 nls_p_length, ub4 *buf_size, OraText *buf );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
to convert.
Conversion format.
Length of the fmt
Globalization support format specification. If it is a NULL
string ((text *)0
), then the default parameters for the session is used.
Length of the nls_params
Size of the buffer.
Buffer into which the converted string is placed.
conversion function described in the Oracle Database SQL Language Reference for a description of format and globalization support parameters.
The converted number string is stored in buf
, up to a maximum of buf_size
This function returns an error if:
The value of number
or buf
The buffer is too small
An invalid format or invalid multibyte format is passed
A number to text translation for given format causes an overflow
OCIErrorGet(), OCINumberFromText()
LNOCI17494Truncates an Oracle NUMBER
at a specified decimal place.
sword OCINumberTrunc ( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, sword decplace, OCINumber *result );
The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err
, and this function returns OCI_ERROR
. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().
Number of decimal digits to the right of the decimal point at which to truncate. Negative values are allowed.
Output of truncation.
This function returns an error if any of the NUMBER
arguments is NULL