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Oracle® Call Interface Programmer's Guide
11g Release 2 (11.2)

Part Number E10646-10
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OCI Collection and Iterator Functions

Table 19-2 describes the collection and iterator functions that are described in this section.

LNOCI17374Table 19-2 Collection and Iterator Functions  

Function Purpose


Append an element to the end of a collection


Assign (deep copy) one collection to another


Assign the given element value elem to the element at coll[index]


Get pointer to an element


Get an array of elements from a collection


Indicate whether a collection is locator-based or not


Return maximum number of elements in collection


Get current size of collection (in number of elements)


Trim elements from the collection


Create iterator to scan the varray elements


Delete iterator


Get current collection element


Initialize iterator to scan the given collection


Get next collection element


Get previous collection element




Appends an element to the end of a collection.


sword OCICollAppend ( OCIEnv              *env,
                      OCIError            *err,
                      const void          *elem, 
                      const void          *elemind,
                      OCIColl             *coll );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

elem (IN)

Pointer to the element to be appended to the end of the given collection.

elemind (IN) [optional]

Pointer to the element's NULL indicator information. If (elemind == NULL) then the NULL indicator information of the appended element is set to non-NULL.

coll (IN/OUT)

Updated collection.


Appending an element is equivalent to increasing the size of the collection by one element and updating (deep copying) the last element's data with the given element's data. Note that the pointer to the given element elem is not saved by this function, which means that elem is strictly an input parameter.


This function returns an error if the current size of the collection equals the maximum size (upper bound) of the collection before appending the element. This function also returns an error if any of the input parameters is NULL.

Related Functions





Assigns (deep copies) one collection to another.


sword OCICollAssign ( OCIEnv              *env, 
                      OCIError            *err, 
                      const OCIColl       *rhs, 
                      OCIColl             *lhs );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

rhs (IN)

Right-hand side (source) collection to be assigned from.

lhs (OUT)

Left-hand side (target) collection to be assigned to.


Assigns rhs (source) to lhs (target). The lhs collection may be decreased or increased depending upon the size of rhs. If the lhs collection contains any elements, then the elements are deleted before the assignment. This function performs a deep copy. The memory for the elements comes from the object cache.


An error is returned if the element types of the lhs and rhs collections do not match. Also, an error is returned if the upper bound of the lhs collection is less than the current number of elements in the rhs collection. An error is also returned if:

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCICollAssignElem()




Assigns the given element value elem to the element at coll[index].


sword OCICollAssignElem ( OCIEnv           *env, 
                          OCIError         *err, 
                          sb4              index, 
                          const void       *elem, 
                          const void       *elemind, 
                          OCIColl          *coll );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

index (IN)

Index of the element to which the element is assigned.

elem (IN)

Source element from which the element is assigned.

elemind (IN) [optional]

Pointer to the element's NULL indicator information; if (elemind == NULL), then the NULL indicator information of the assigned element is set to non-NULL.

coll (IN/OUT)

Collection to be updated.


If the collection is of type nested table, the element at the given index might not exist, as when an element has been deleted. In this case, the given element is inserted at index. Otherwise, the element at index is updated with the value of elem.

Note that the given element is deep copied, and elem is strictly an input parameter.


This function returns an error if any input parameter is NULL or if the given index is beyond the bounds of the given collection.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCICollAssign()




Gets a pointer to the element at the given index.


sword OCICollGetElem ( OCIEnv           *env, 
                       OCIError         *err, 
                       const OCIColl    *coll, 
                       sb4              index, 
                       boolean          *exists, 
                       void             **elem, 
                       void             **elemind );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

coll (IN)

Pointer to the element in this collection to be returned.

index (IN)

Index of the element whose pointer is returned.

exists (OUT)

Set to FALSE if the element at the specified index does not exist; otherwise, set to TRUE.

elem (OUT)

Address of the element to be returned.

elemind (OUT) [optional]

Address of the NULL indicator information is returned. If (elemind == NULL), then the NULL indicator information is not returned.


Gets the address of the element at the given position. Optionally, this function also returns the address of the element's NULL indicator information.

Table 19-3 describes for each collection element type what the corresponding element pointer type is. The element pointer is returned with the elem parameter of OCICollGetElem().

LNOCI17379Table 19-3 Element Pointers

Element Type *elem Is Set to

Oracle NUMBER (OCINumber)


Date (OCIDate)


Datetime (OCIDateTime)


Interval (OCIInterval)


Variable-length string (OCIString*)


Variable-length raw (OCIRaw*)


Object reference (OCIRef*)


Lob locator (OCILobLocator*)


Object type (such as person)


The element pointer returned by OCICollGetElem() is in a form that can be used not only to access the element data but also to serve as the target (left-hand side) of an assignment statement.

For example, assume the user is iterating over the elements of a collection whose element type is object reference (OCIRef*). A call to OCICollGetElem() returns the pointer to a reference handle (OCIRef**). After getting the pointer to the collection element, you may want to modify it by assigning a new reference.

Example 19-1 shows how this can be accomplished with the OCIRefAssign() function.

Example 19-1 Assigning a New Reference to the Pointer to the Collection Element

sword OCIRefAssign( OCIEnv       *env, 
                    OCIError     *err, 
                    const OCIRef *source, 
                    OCIRef       **target );

Note that the target parameter of OCIRefAssign() is of type OCIRef**. Hence OCICollGetElem() returns OCIRef**. If *target equals NULL, a new REF is allocated by OCIRefAssign() and returned in the target parameter.

Similarly, if the collection element was of type string (OCIString*), OCICollGetElem() returns the pointer to the string handle (that is, OCIString**). If a new string is assigned, through OCIStringAssign() or OCIStringAssignText(), the type of the target must be OCIString **.

If the collection element is of type Oracle NUMBER, OCICollGetElem() returns OCINumber*. Example 19-2 shows the prototype of the OCINumberAssign() call.

Example 19-2 Prototype of OCINumberAssign() Call

sword OCINumberAssign(OCIError        *err, 
                      const OCINumber *from,
                      OCINumber       *to);


The OCICollGetElem() function returns an error if any of the input parameters is NULL.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCICollAssignElem()




Gets an array of elements from a collection when given a starting index.


sword OCICollGetElemArray ( OCIEnv              *env,
                            OCIError            *err,
                            const OCIColl       *coll, 
                            sb4                 index,
                            boolean             *exists,
                            void                **elem,
                            void                **elemind,
                            uword               *nelems );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

coll (IN)

Pointers to the elements in this collection to be returned.

index (IN)

Starting index of the elements.

exists (OUT)

Is set to FALSE if the element at the specified index does not exist; otherwise, it is set to TRUE.

elem (OUT)

Address of the desired elements to be returned.

elemind (OUT) [optional]

Address of the NULL indicator information to be returned. If (elemind == NULL), then the NULL indicator information is not returned.

nelems (IN)

Maximum number of pointers to both elem and elemind.


Gets the address of the elements from the given position.


Optionally, this function also returns the address of the element's NULL indicator information.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCICollGetElem()




Indicates whether a collection is locator-based or not.


sword OCICollIsLocator ( OCIEnv *env, 
                         OCIError *err,
                         const OCIColl *coll, 
                         boolean *result ); 


env (IN)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

coll (IN)

A collection item.

result (OUT)

Returns TRUE if the collection item is locator-based, FALSE otherwise.


This function tests to see whether a collection is locator-based.


Returns TRUE in the result parameter if the collection item is locator-based; otherwise, it returns FALSE.

Related Functions





Gets the maximum size in number of elements of the given collection.


sb4 OCICollMax ( OCIEnv           *env,
                 const OCIColl    *coll );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

coll (IN)

Collection whose number of elements is returned. The coll parameter must point to a valid collection descriptor.


Returns the maximum number of elements that the given collection can hold. A value of zero indicates that the collection has no upper bound.


The upper bound of the given collection.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCICollSize()




Gets the current size in number of elements of the given collection.


sword OCICollSize ( OCIEnv           *env,
                    OCIError         *err,
                    const OCIColl    *coll 
                    sb4              *size );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

coll (IN)

Collection whose number of elements is returned. Must point to a valid collection descriptor.

size (OUT)

Current number of elements in the collection.


Returns the current number of elements in the given collection. For a nested table, this count is not decremented when elements are deleted. So, this count includes any holes created by deleting elements. A trim operation (OCICollTrim()) decrements the count by the number of trimmed elements. To get the count minus the deleted elements use OCITableSize().

The following pseudocode shows some examples:

// assume 'size' returned is equal to 5
OCITableDelete(...); // delete one element
// 'size' returned is still 5

To get the count minus the deleted elements use OCITableSize(). Continuing the earlier example:

// 'size' returned is equal to 4

A trim operation OCICollTrim()) decrements the count by the number of trimmed elements. Continuing the earlier example:

OCICollTrim(..,1..); // trim one element
// 'size' returned is equal to 4


The OCICollSize() function returns an error if an error occurs during the loading of the collection into the object cache or if any of the input parameters is NULL.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCICollMax()




Trims the given number of elements from the end of the collection.


sword OCICollTrim ( OCIEnv         *env, 
                    OCIError       *err, 
                    sb4            trim_num, 
                    OCIColl        *coll );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

trim_num (IN)

Number of elements to trim.

coll (IN/OUT)

Removes (frees) trim_num of elements from the end of the collection coll.


The elements are removed from the end of the collection.


An error is returned if trim_num is greater than the current size of the collection.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCICollSize()




Creates an iterator to scan the elements or the collection.


sword OCIIterCreate ( OCIEnv               *env, 
                      OCIError             *err, 
                      const OCIColl        *coll, 
                      OCIIter              **itr );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

coll (IN)

Collection that is scanned. For Oracle8i or later, valid collection types include varrays and nested tables.

itr (OUT)

Address to the allocated collection iterator to be returned by this function.


The iterator is created in the object cache. The iterator is initialized to point to the beginning of the collection.

If OCIIterNext() is called immediately after creating the iterator, then the first element of the collection is returned. If OCIIterPrev() is called immediately after creating the iterator, then an "at beginning of collection" error is returned.


This function returns an error if any of the input parameters is NULL.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCIIterDelete()




Deletes a collection iterator.


sword OCIIterDelete ( OCIEnv           *env, 
                      OCIError         *err, 
                      OCIIter          **itr );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

itr (IN/OUT)

The allocated collection iterator that is destroyed and set to NULL before returning.


Deletes an iterator that was previously created by a call to OCIIterCreate().


This function returns an error if any of the input parameters is NULL.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCIIterCreate()




Gets a pointer to the current iterator collection element.


sword OCIIterGetCurrent ( OCIEnv            *env, 
                          OCIError          *err, 
                          const OCIIter     *itr, 
                          void              **elem, 
                          void              **elemind );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

itr (IN)

Iterator that points to the current element.

elem (OUT)

Address of the element pointed to by the iterator to be returned.

elemind (OUT) [optional]

Address of the element's NULL indicator information to be returned; if (elem_ind == NULL) then the NULL indicator information is not returned.


Returns the pointer to the current iterator collection element and its corresponding NULL information.


This function returns an error if any input parameter is NULL.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCIIterNext(), OCIIterPrev()




Initializes an iterator to scan a collection.


sword OCIIterInit ( OCIEnv              *env, 
                    OCIError            *err, 
                    const OCIColl       *coll, 
                    OCIIter             *itr );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

coll (IN)

Collection that is scanned. For Oracle8i or later, valid collection types include varrays and nested tables.

itr (IN/OUT)

Pointer to an allocated collection iterator.


Initializes at the given iterator to point to the beginning of the given collection. You can use this function to perform either of the following tasks:


Returns an error if any input parameter is NULL.

Related Functions





Gets a pointer to the next iterator collection element.


sword OCIIterNext ( OCIEnv            *env,
                    OCIError          *err, 
                    OCIIter           *itr, 
                    void              **elem,
                    void              **elemind,
                    boolean           *eoc);


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

itr (IN/OUT)

Iterator that is updated to point to the next element.

elem (OUT)

Address of the next element; returned after the iterator is updated to point to it.

elemind (OUT) [optional]

Address of the element's NULL indicator information; if (elem_ind == NULL), then the NULL indicator information is not returned.

eoc (OUT)

TRUE if the iterator is at the end of the collection (that is, the next element does not exist); otherwise, FALSE.


This function returns a pointer to the next iterator collection element and its corresponding NULL information. It also updates the iterator to point to the next element.

If the iterator is pointing to the last element of the collection before you execute this function, then calling this function sets the eoc flag to TRUE. The iterator is left unchanged in that case.


This function returns an error if any input parameter is NULL.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCIIterGetCurrent(), OCIIterPrev()




Gets a pointer to the previous iterator collection element.


sword OCIIterPrev ( OCIEnv            *env, 
                    OCIError          *err, 
                    OCIIter           *itr, 
                    void              **elem, 
                    void              **elemind,
                    boolean           *boc );


env (IN/OUT)

The OCI environment handle initialized in object mode.

err (IN/OUT)

The OCI error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in err, and this function returns OCI_ERROR. Obtain diagnostic information by calling OCIErrorGet().

itr (IN/OUT)

Iterator that is updated to point to the previous element.

elem (OUT)

Address of the previous element; returned after the iterator is updated to point to it.

elemind (OUT) [optional]

Address of the element's NULL indicator information; if (elemind == NULL), then the NULL indicator information is not returned.

boc (OUT)

TRUE if iterator is at the beginning of the collection (that is, the previous element does not exist); otherwise, FALSE.


This function returns a pointer to the previous iterator collection element and its corresponding NULL information. The iterator is updated to point to the previous element.

If the iterator is pointing to the first element of the collection before you execute this function, then calling this function sets boc to TRUE. The iterator is left unchanged in that case.


This function returns an error if any input parameter is NULL.

Related Functions

OCIErrorGet(), OCIIterGetCurrent(), OCIIterNext()

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