E.3. Compressor Configuration, Installation, and Use

E.3.1. Configure HBase For Compressors

Before HBase can use a given compressor, its libraries need to be available. Due to licensing issues, only GZ compression is available to HBase (via native Java libraries) in a default installation. Other compression libraries are available via the shared library bundled with your hadoop. The hadoop native library needs to be findable when HBase starts. See

E.3.1.1. Compressor Support On the Master

A new configuration setting was introduced in HBase 0.95, to check the Master to determine which data block encoders are installed and configured on it, and assume that the entire cluster is configured the same. This option, hbase.master.check.compression, defaults to true. This prevents the situation described in HBASE-6370, where a table is created or modified to support a codec that a region server does not support, leading to failures that take a long time to occur and are difficult to debug.

If hbase.master.check.compression is enabled, libraries for all desired compressors need to be installed and configured on the Master, even if the Master does not run a region server.

E.3.1.2. Install GZ Support Via Native Libraries

HBase uses Java's built-in GZip support unless the native Hadoop libraries are available on the CLASSPATH. The recommended way to add libraries to the CLASSPATH is to set the environment variable HBASE_LIBRARY_PATH for the user running HBase. If native libraries are not available and Java's GZIP is used, Got brand-new compressor reports will be present in the logs. See Section, “Logs flooded with '2011-01-10 12:40:48,407 INFO org.apache.hadoop.io.compress.CodecPool: Got brand-new compressor' messages”).

E.3.1.3. Install LZO Support

HBase cannot ship with LZO because of incompatibility between HBase, which uses an Apache Software License (ASL) and LZO, which uses a GPL license. See the Using LZO Compression wiki page for information on configuring LZO support for HBase.

If you depend upon LZO compression, consider configuring your RegionServers to fail to start if LZO is not available. See Section E.3.1.7, “Enforce Compression Settings On a RegionServer”.

E.3.1.4. Configure LZ4 Support

LZ4 support is bundled with Hadoop. Make sure the hadoop shared library (libhadoop.so) is accessible when you start HBase. After configuring your platform (see ???), you can make a symbolic link from HBase to the native Hadoop libraries. This assumes the two software installs are colocated. For example, if my 'platform' is Linux-amd64-64:

$ mkdir lib/native
$ ln -s $HADOOP_HOME/lib/native lib/native/Linux-amd64-64

Use the compression tool to check that LZ4 is installed on all nodes. Start up (or restart) HBase. Afterward, you can create and alter tables to enable LZ4 as a compression codec.:

hbase(main):003:0> alter 'TestTable', {NAME => 'info', COMPRESSION => 'LZ4'}

E.3.1.5. Install Snappy Support

HBase does not ship with Snappy support because of licensing issues. You can install Snappy binaries (for instance, by using yum install snappy on CentOS) or build Snappy from source. After installing Snappy, search for the shared library, which will be called libsnappy.so.X where X is a number. If you built from source, copy the shared library to a known location on your system, such as /opt/snappy/lib/.

In addition to the Snappy library, HBase also needs access to the Hadoop shared library, which will be called something like libhadoop.so.X.Y, where X and Y are both numbers. Make note of the location of the Hadoop library, or copy it to the same location as the Snappy library.


The Snappy and Hadoop libraries need to be available on each node of your cluster. See Section E.3.1.6, “CompressionTest” to find out how to test that this is the case.

See Section E.3.1.7, “Enforce Compression Settings On a RegionServer” to configure your RegionServers to fail to start if a given compressor is not available.

Each of these library locations need to be added to the environment variable HBASE_LIBRARY_PATH for the operating system user that runs HBase. You need to restart the RegionServer for the changes to take effect.

E.3.1.6. CompressionTest

You can use the CompressionTest tool to verify that your compressor is available to HBase:

 $ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.CompressionTest hdfs://host/path/to/hbase snappy       

E.3.1.7. Enforce Compression Settings On a RegionServer

You can configure a RegionServer so that it will fail to restart if compression is configured incorrectly, by adding the option hbase.regionserver.codecs to the hbase-site.xml, and setting its value to a comma-separated list of codecs that need to be available. For example, if you set this property to lzo,gz, the RegionServer would fail to start if both compressors were not available. This would prevent a new server from being added to the cluster without having codecs configured properly.

E.3.2. Enable Compression On a ColumnFamily

To enable compression for a ColumnFamily, use an alter command. You do not need to re-create the table or copy data. If you are changing codecs, be sure the old codec is still available until all the old StoreFiles have been compacted.

Example E.1. Enabling Compression on a ColumnFamily of an Existing Table using HBase Shell

hbase> disable 'test'
hbase> alter 'test', {NAME => 'cf', COMPRESSION => 'GZ'}
hbase> enable 'test'

Example E.2. Creating a New Table with Compression On a ColumnFamily

hbase> create 'test2', { NAME => 'cf2', COMPRESSION => 'SNAPPY' }         

Example E.3. Verifying a ColumnFamily's Compression Settings

hbase> describe 'test'
DESCRIPTION                                          ENABLED
 'test', {NAME => 'cf', DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING => 'NONE false
 => '0', TTL => 'FOREVER', KEEP_DELETED_CELLS => 'fa
 lse', BLOCKSIZE => '65536', IN_MEMORY => 'false', B
 LOCKCACHE => 'true'}
1 row(s) in 0.1070 seconds

E.3.3. Testing Compression Performance

HBase includes a tool called LoadTestTool which provides mechanisms to test your compression performance. You must specify either -write or -update-read as your first parameter, and if you do not specify another parameter, usage advice is printed for each option.

Example E.4. LoadTestTool Usage

$ bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.LoadTestTool -h            
usage: bin/hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.LoadTestTool <options>
 -batchupdate                 Whether to use batch as opposed to separate
                              updates for every column in a row
 -bloom <arg>                 Bloom filter type, one of [NONE, ROW, ROWCOL]
 -compression <arg>           Compression type, one of [LZO, GZ, NONE, SNAPPY,
 -data_block_encoding <arg>   Encoding algorithm (e.g. prefix compression) to
                              use for data blocks in the test column family, one
                              of [NONE, PREFIX, DIFF, FAST_DIFF, PREFIX_TREE].
 -encryption <arg>            Enables transparent encryption on the test table,
                              one of [AES]
 -generator <arg>             The class which generates load for the tool. Any
                              args for this class can be passed as colon
                              separated after class name
 -h,--help                    Show usage
 -in_memory                   Tries to keep the HFiles of the CF inmemory as far
                              as possible.  Not guaranteed that reads are always
                              served from inmemory
 -init_only                   Initialize the test table only, don't do any
 -key_window <arg>            The 'key window' to maintain between reads and
                              writes for concurrent write/read workload. The
                              default is 0.
 -max_read_errors <arg>       The maximum number of read errors to tolerate
                              before terminating all reader threads. The default
                              is 10.
 -multiput                    Whether to use multi-puts as opposed to separate
                              puts for every column in a row
 -num_keys <arg>              The number of keys to read/write
 -num_tables <arg>            A positive integer number. When a number n is
                              speicfied, load test tool  will load n table
                              parallely. -tn parameter value becomes table name
                              prefix. Each table name is in format
 -read <arg>                  <verify_percent>[:<#threads=20>]
 -regions_per_server <arg>    A positive integer number. When a number n is
                              specified, load test tool will create the test
                              table with n regions per server
 -skip_init                   Skip the initialization; assume test table already
 -start_key <arg>             The first key to read/write (a 0-based index). The
                              default value is 0.
 -tn <arg>                    The name of the table to read or write
 -update <arg>                <update_percent>[:<#threads=20>][:<#whether to
                              ignore nonce collisions=0>]
 -write <arg>                 <avg_cols_per_key>:<avg_data_size>[:<#threads=20>]
 -zk <arg>                    ZK quorum as comma-separated host names without
                              port numbers
 -zk_root <arg>               name of parent znode in zookeeper            

Example E.5. Example Usage of LoadTestTool

$ hbase org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.LoadTestTool -write 1:10:100 -num_keys 1000000
          -read 100:30 -num_tables 1 -data_block_encoding NONE -tn load_test_tool_NONE

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