The Object.setPrototypeOf()
method sets the prototype (i.e., the internal [[Prototype]]
property) of a specified object to another object or null
Warning: Changing the [[Prototype]]
of an object is, by the nature of how modern JavaScript engines optimize property accesses, a very slow operation, in every browser and JavaScript engine. The effects on performance of altering inheritance are subtle and far-flung, and are not limited to simply the time spent in obj.__proto__ = ...
statement, but may extend to any code that has access to any object whose [[Prototype]]
has been altered. If you care about performance you should avoid setting the [[Prototype]]
of an object. Instead, create a new object with the desired [[Prototype]]
using Object.create()
Object.setPrototypeOf(obj, prototype);
- The object which is to have its prototype set.
- The object's new prototype (an object or
Return value
The specified object.
Throws a TypeError
exception if the object whose [[Prototype]]
is to be modified is non-extensible according to Object.isExtensible()
. Does nothing if the prototype
parameter isn't an object or null
(i.e., number, string, boolean, or undefined
). Otherwise, this method changes the [[Prototype]]
of obj
to the new value.
is in the ECMAScript 2015 specification. It is generally considered the proper way to set the prototype of an object, vs. the more controversial Object.prototype.__proto__
var dict = Object.setPrototypeOf({}, null);
Using the older Object.prototype.__proto__
property, we can easily define Object.setPrototypeOf
if it isn't available already:
// Only works in Chrome and FireFox, does not work in IE: Object.setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(obj, proto) { obj.__proto__ = proto; return obj; }
Appending Prototype Chains
A combination of Object.getPrototypeOf()
and Object.prototype.__proto__
permits appending a whole prototype chain to a new prototype object:
/** *** Object.appendChain(@object, @prototype) * * Appends the first non-native prototype of a chain to a new prototype. * Returns @object (if it was a primitive value it will transformed into an object). * *** Object.appendChain(@object [, "@arg_name_1", "@arg_name_2", "@arg_name_3", "..."], "@function_body") *** Object.appendChain(@object [, "@arg_name_1, @arg_name_2, @arg_name_3, ..."], "@function_body") * * Appends the first non-native prototype of a chain to the native Function.prototype object, then appends a * new Function(["@arg"(s)], "@function_body") to that chain. * Returns the function. * **/ Object.appendChain = function(oChain, oProto) { if (arguments.length < 2) { throw new TypeError('Object.appendChain - Not enough arguments'); } if (typeof oProto !== 'object' && typeof oProto !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('second argument to Object.appendChain must be an object or a string'); } var oNewProto = oProto, oReturn = o2nd = oLast = oChain instanceof this ? oChain : new oChain.constructor(oChain); for (var o1st = this.getPrototypeOf(o2nd); o1st !== Object.prototype && o1st !== Function.prototype; o1st = this.getPrototypeOf(o2nd) ) { o2nd = o1st; } if (oProto.constructor === String) { oNewProto = Function.prototype; oReturn = Function.apply(null,, 1)); this.setPrototypeOf(oReturn, oLast); } this.setPrototypeOf(o2nd, oNewProto); return oReturn; }
First example: Appending a chain to a prototype
function Mammal() { this.isMammal = 'yes'; } function MammalSpecies(sMammalSpecies) { this.species = sMammalSpecies; } MammalSpecies.prototype = new Mammal(); MammalSpecies.prototype.constructor = MammalSpecies; var oCat = new MammalSpecies('Felis'); console.log(oCat.isMammal); // 'yes' function Animal() { this.breathing = 'yes'; } Object.appendChain(oCat, new Animal()); console.log(oCat.breathing); // 'yes'
Second example: Transforming a primitive value into an instance of its constructor and append its chain to a prototype
function MySymbol() { this.isSymbol = 'yes'; } var nPrime = 17; console.log(typeof nPrime); // 'number' var oPrime = Object.appendChain(nPrime, new MySymbol()); console.log(oPrime); // '17' console.log(oPrime.isSymbol); // 'yes' console.log(typeof oPrime); // 'object'
Third example: Appending a chain to the Function.prototype object and appending a new function to that chain
function Person(sName) { this.identity = sName; } var george = Object.appendChain(new Person('George'), 'console.log("Hello guys!!");'); console.log(george.identity); // 'George' george(); // 'Hello guys!!'
Specification | Status | Comment |
ECMAScript 2015 (6th Edition, ECMA-262) The definition of 'Object.setProtoypeOf' in that specification. |
Standard | Initial definition. |
ECMAScript Latest Draft (ECMA-262) The definition of 'Object.setProtoypeOf' in that specification. |
Living Standard |
Browser compatibility
Feature | Chrome | Edge | Firefox (Gecko) | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari |
Basic support | 34 | (Yes) | 31 (31) | 11 | (Yes) | 9 |
Feature | Android | Chrome for Android | Edge | Firefox Mobile (Gecko) | IE Mobile | Opera Mobile | Safari Mobile |
Basic support | No support | No support | (Yes) | 31.0 (31) | ? | No support | 9 |