
The hanging-punctuation property specifies whether a punctuation mark, at the start or end of a line of text, hangs and may be placed outside the line box.

/* Keyword values — single */
hanging-punctuation: none;
hanging-punctuation: first;
hanging-punctuation: last;
hanging-punctuation: force-end;
hanging-punctuation: allow-end;
/* Keyword values — two */
hanging-punctuation: first force-end;
hanging-punctuation: first allow-end;
hanging-punctuation: first last;
hanging-punctuation: last force-end;
hanging-punctuation: last allow-end;
/* Keyword values — three */
hanging-punctuation: first force-end last;
hanging-punctuation: first allow-end last;
/* Global values */
hanging-punctuation: inherit;
hanging-punctuation: initial;
hanging-punctuation: unset;

Initial value: none
Applies to: inline elements
Inherited: yes
Percentages: n/a
Media: visual
Computed value: as specified
Animation type: discrete
Canonical order: order of appearance in the formal grammar of the values


This property may be specified with one, two, or three values.

One-value syntax: any one of the keyword values listed below.

Two value syntax:

  • either first together with any one of: last, allow-end, or force-end
  • or last together with any one of: first, allow-end, or force-end.

Three-value syntax:

  • either first, allow-end, and last
  • or first, force-end, and last.


No character hangs.
An opening bracket or quote at the start of the first formatted line of an element hangs.
A closing bracket or quote at the end of the last formatted line of an element hangs.
A stop or comma at the end of a line hangs.
A stop or comma at the end of a line hangs, if it does not otherwise fit prior to justification.

Formal syntax

none | [ first || [ force-end | allow-end ] || last ]


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: wbamberg, 6stringbeliever, chharvey
 Last updated by: wbamberg,