This is an experimental technology
Because this technology's specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for usage in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future versions of browsers as the specification changes.
The onstatechange
property of the FetchObserver
interface is an event handler invoked when a statechange
event fires, i.e. when the state of the fetch request changes.
observer.onstatechange = function() { ... };
In the following snippet, we create a new FetchController
object, get its signal
, and then give the signal to the fetch request via the signal parameter of its init
object so the controller can control it. Later on we specify an event listener on a cancel button so that when the button is clicked, we abort the fetch request using FetchController.abort()
We also specify an observe property inside the fetch request init
object — this contains a ObserverCallback
object, the sole purpose of which is to provide a callback function that runs when the fetch request runs. This returns a FetchObserver
object that can be used to retrieve information concerning the status of a fetch request.
Here we use FetchController.onresponseprogress
and onstatechange
event handlers to respectively fill up a progress bar as more of the reponse downloads, and to determine when the download has completed (using the state
property) and display a message to let the user know.
var controller = new FetchController(); var signal = controller.signal; downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', function() { fetch(url, { signal, observe(observer) { observer.onresponseprogress = function(e) { progress.max =; progress.value = e.loaded; } observer.onstatechange = function() { if (observer.state = 'complete') { reports.textContent = 'Download complete'; } } } }).then( ... ) // do something with the response }); cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', function() { controller.abort(); });
You can find a work-in-progress demo showing usage of FetchObserver
on GitHub (see the source code and the live example).
Not part of a specification yet.
Browser compatibility
Feature | Chrome | Edge | Firefox (Gecko) | Internet Explorer | Opera | Safari (WebKit) |
Basic support |
No support |
No support | No support[1] | No support |
No support |
No support |
[1] Hidden behind a preference in 55+ Nightly. In about:config, you need to create two new boolean prefs — dom.fetchObserver.enabled
and dom.fetchController.enabled
— and set the values of both to true