
The CSSCounterStyleRule interface represents an @counter-style at-rule.


This interface inherits from the following parent interfaces:


This interface also inherits properties from its parent CSSRule.

Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the <counter-style-name> defined for the associated rule.
Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the system descriptor defined for the associated rule. If the descriptor was not specified in the associated rule, the attribute returns an empty string.
Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the symbols descriptor defined for the associated rule. If the descriptor was not specified in the associated rule, the attribute returns an empty string.
Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the additive-symbols descriptor defined for the associated rule. If the descriptor was not specified in the associated rule, the attribute returns an empty string.
Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the negative descriptor defined for the associated rule. If the descriptor was not specified in the associated rule, the attribute returns an empty string.
Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the prefix descriptor defined for the associated rule. If the descriptor was not specified in the associated rule, the attribute returns an empty string.
Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the suffix descriptor defined for the associated rule. If the descriptor was not specified in the associated rule, the attribute returns an empty string.
Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the range descriptor defined for the associated rule. If the descriptor was not specified in the associated rule, the attribute returns an empty string.
Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the pad descriptor defined for the associated rule. If the descriptor was not specified in the associated rule, the attribute returns an empty string.
Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the speak-as descriptor defined for the associated rule. If the descriptor was not specified in the associated rule, the attribute returns an empty string.
Is a DOMString object that contains the serialization of the fallback descriptor defined for the associated rule. If the descriptor was not specified in the associated rule, the attribute returns an empty string.


This interface doesn't implement any specific method but inherits methods from its parent CSSRule.


Specification Status Comment
CSS Counter Styles Level 3
The definition of 'CSSCounterStyleRule' in that specification.
Candidate Recommendation Initial definition

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support No support No support 33.0 (33.0) No support No support No support

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sebastianz, upsuper, Jeremie, kscarfone, teoli
 Last updated by: Sebastianz,