Message manager classes


Message managers in the chrome process that have a one-to-many relationship with objects in the content process are ChromeMessageBroadcaster objects. They implement the following interfaces:

These objects have a number of subordinate "children", which may themselves be ChromeMessageBroadcaster objects, or may be ChromeMessageSender objects. You can get the number of children using the childCount attribute, and access a particular child using the getChildAt() function.

To send messages, ChromeMessageBroadcaster objects implement  broadcastAsyncMessage() , which sends the message to every corresponding object in the content process. For example, the window message manager's broadcastAsyncMessage() function sends the message to every browser frame in that browser window.

Correspondingly, ChromeMessageBroadcaster objects can listen for messages using addMessageListener(): if they do this, they'll receive messages sent to all of their children. For example, if you add a listener to the window message manager, you'll get messages from every browser frame in that browser window.

ChromeMessageBroadcaster objects can load scripts into the content process:

  • loadFrameScript() is used by frame message managers to load scripts into browser frames
  • loadProcessScript() is used by process message managers to load scripts into content processes.

Scripts are loaded into every corresponding object in the content process. For example, if you call loadFrameScript() on the window message manager, and the window has three tabs open, then it will load the script three times, once into every open tab.


Message managers in the chrome process that have a one to one relationship with objects in the content process are ChromeMessageSender objects. They implement the following interfaces:

Browser message managers and parent process message managers are both ChromeMessageSender objects. Browser message managers map to a single browser frame (essentially, content tab) in the content process, while parent process message managers map to a single child process.

To send messages to their correspondent in the content process ChromeMessageSender objects implement sendAsyncMessage(). For example, the frame message manager's sendAsyncMessage() function sends the message to the corresponding ContentFrameMessageManager, from which it is relayed to any frame scripts that have registered message listeners.

ChromeMessageSender objects can listen for messages from their correspondent using addMessageListener(). For example, if you add a listener to the browser message manager, you'll get messages from frame scripts loaded into its corresponding frame.

ChromeMessageSender objects can load scripts into the content process can load scripts into the content process:

  • loadFrameScript() is used by browser message managers to load a script into the corresponding browser frame
  • loadProcessScript() is used by parent process message managers to load scripts into the corresponding content process.


There's one ContentProcessMessageManager for each content process. It implements the following interfaces:

It is the global object for any process scripts loaded into the content process, and is also available through Services.jsm.

To send messages to the chrome process, ContentProcessMessageManager objects implement two functions: sendAsyncMessage() and sendSyncMessage(). These messages are received in the chrome process by the parent process message manager and the global parent process message manager.

Note that while messaging from chrome to content process must be asynchronous, messaging from content to chrome process is allowed to be synchronous. This is because blocking the content process on a response from chrome is less serious than blocking the chrome process.

ContentProcessMessageManager objects can listen for messages from the chrome process using addMessageListener().


There's one ContentFrameMessageManager in the content process for each open browser tab. It implements the following interfaces:

The global object for frame scripts is a ContentFrameMessageManager object. They enable frame scripts to:

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 Last updated by: wbamberg,