Deprecated SSL functions

The following SSL functions have been replaced with newer versions. The deprecated functions are not supported by the new SSL shared libraries. Applications that want to use the SSL shared libraries must convert to calling the new replacement functions listed below.

Each function name is linked to its entry in the old SSL Reference. The Mozilla Cross Reference (MXR) link for each function provides access to the function definition, prototype definition, and source code references.

Function name/documentation Source code Replacement in NSS 3.2
SSL_Enable MXR SSL_OptionSet
SSL_EnableCipher MXR SSL_CipherPrefSetDefault
SSL_EnableDefault MXR SSL_OptionSetDefault
SSL_RedoHandshake MXR SSL_ReHandshake
SSL_SetPolicy MXR SSL_CipherPolicySet


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, kwilson, Akass
 Last updated by: Sheppy,