Visual JS GE

"Visual-JS GameEngine" is a small but comprehensive game engine, canvas/websocket orientend. The Server is based on node.js, the client on a javascript framework, along with a windows GUI editor, and a game instance creator to complete the stack.

Installation and setup :

Download Visual-js from bitbucket. For windows users: extract the package in the same root folder, using windows tools.

Navigate to server_instance/

1) Install modules :

In the node.js command prompt or console, enter the following installation commands:

npm install mysql
npm install delivery
npm install express
npm install mkdirp
npm install
npm install nodemailer@0.7.0

Setup config.js

You will find config.js in the server_instance folder: All node.js application use the same folder, server_instance. Some apps might prefer using have local storage, for instance, editor.js.

module.exports = {
   VERSION : "0.5",
   PATH_OF_WWW : "D:/xamp/htdocs/project_instance/", // PATH_TO_WWW  EDIT HERE
   EDITOR_PORT : "1013",
   REG_PATH : "users/",
   ACCOUNT_PORT  : 3666 , 


local node.js application tools (Use in developer mode only)


On page editor 


- server_instance/build_from_editor_to_visual_js_file.js

(node.js app for local use)

       ** ON-PAGE Editor**
      If you use editor.js to visual create game object method , you must  start ***node build_from_editor_to_visual_js_file.js*** on the end of work. 
      This tool will create visual.js in folder starter/ with all your game object was created in editor style .
Create game objects direct in web browser view. Takes data from system folder lib/visual_scripts/ and generate code.
After build you can found your code intro visual.js 


Create RESOURCE js object ( ADD image or images for animation )


       Put image or images in one folder for example TEST_RES/  . Put that folder in this location **project_instance/res/** .
       run command :
server_instance/node res.js 
       After finishing restart web page ind enter in console :  RESOURCE.TEST_RES
       RESOURCE have all images path data. When you create folder with image and build with *node res.js* we did not create images object.
       Images object will be created after you add animation to the game objects. 
       This is good because memory safe.


VISUAL JS.exe Windows GUI freeware 

only for windows users . 

Visual_JS.exe Version : 1.0 comes with source editor .

ML_SYS.exe - Multilanguage tool for string Labels . (Smart xml operation - No empty tags )

CriptingJS.exe - Based on API

MakeLib.exe - Need fot bug fixing


Video tutorial

Pencil component


Virtual kayboard



Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: bunnybooboo, zlatnaspirala
 Last updated by: bunnybooboo,