Environment variables affecting crash reporting


The Breakpad crash reporting used in Mozilla projects supports some environment variables, primarily for testing purposes. The following environment variables affect crash reporting:

Sets the URL that the crash reporter will submit reports to.
Store full application memory in the minidump, so you can open it in a Microsoft debugger. Don't submit it to the server. (Windows only.)
Don't delete the crash report dump file after submitting it to the server. Minidumps will still be moved to the "Crash Reports/pending" directory.
Save the minidump file but don't launch the crash reporting UI or send the report to the server. Minidumps will be stored in the user's profile directory, in a subdirectory named "minidumps".
Disable Breakpad crash reporting completely. You can use this if you would rather use the JIT debugger on Windows with the symbol server, for example.
Save the minidump and then force the application to close. This is useful for content crashes that don't normally close the chrome (main application) processes. This variable would cause the application to close as well.
The opposite of MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_DISABLE, force crash reporting on even if disabled in application.ini. You must use this to enable crash reporting on Linux debug builds.

Additionally, on Mac OS X, you can set an application default setting to allow Apple's Crash Reporter tool to run alongside the Breakpad crash reporter. Run this on the command line:

 defaults write org.mozilla.firefox OSCrashReporter 1

Note that you will get two crash dialogs with this setting, one from the OS and one from Mozilla.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Jesse, MarkFinkle, Ispiked, Ted_Mielczarek, Bent, Mgjbot, Nickolay, bsmedberg
 Last updated by: Jesse,