Select mode

Select Mode (which was called Edit Mode in older Firefox OS versions) is designed to select and perform actions on items.


Launched from a select mode button, the standard select mode displays a dedicated title, body and action bar.

  • Title (A): The title displays the number of items a user has selected. A cancel button (X) is positioned to the far left of the title.
  • Body (B): The Body can be displayed as a list or grid.
  • Action Bar (C): The action bar contains action buttons that can be applied to the selected items.

Select mode in grid view.

"Select All" (D) is an optional function for the select mode. It is positioned to the far right of the title.


User taps the "more" button, which appears as an ellipsis to the far right of the header title.

Additional action buttons will appear as an action menu. User taps “Delete Messages” to enter the select mode.

To select all the available items within the list, the user taps the “Select All” button.

If no items have been selected, the title of the select mode is “Select Item(s)”.

The user can tap the “Deselect All” button to deselect all items.

The title of select mode will be changed to “# Selected” to reflect the total number of items selected.

The user taps the “Delete” selected messages.

Implementation guides

Edit mode 2.0 implementation

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, chrisdavidmills-github, swilkes
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,