Context menu

Accessed via a tap and hold gesture (sometimes called a long press), the Context Menu (called the Object Menu in older versions of Firefox OS) allows users to perform actions on objects without having to leave their current view.


The Context Menu contains one or more items. The menu can expand in height to accommodate additional items. If the screen height is exceeded, the action menu becomes vertically scrollable.


Place the most commonly used or important items at the top of the Context Menu. Negative actions, such as delete should be placed at or near the bottom of the menu.


User taps and holds an SMS message, for example.

The animation lasts less than a second and consists of a series of circles emanating from the location that triggered the contextual menu.

The context menu appears at the center of the screen. Tapping an option in the context menu applies the option and returns to the previous view. Users can dismiss the context menu by tapping outside of the menu area. Scrollable menus must leave space below or above the contextual menu to allow users to dismiss the menu.

Message has been deleted and the user is returned to the previous screen.

Implementation guides

Object Menu 2.0 implementation

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, swilkes
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,