Found 55 pages:
# | Page | Tags and summary |
1 | XPath | DOM, JXON, Landing, XML, XPath, XSLT |
XPath stands for XML Path Language. It uses a non-XML syntax to provideĀ a flexible way of addressing (pointing to) different parts of an XML document. It can also be used to test addressed nodes within a document to determine whether they match a pattern or not. | ||
2 | Axes | Transforming_XML_with_XSLT, XPath, XPath_Reference, XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
For further information on using XPath expressions, please see the For Further Reading section at the end of Transforming XML with XSLT document. Also see the 'axes' section in the xpath spec. | ||
3 | ancestor | Axe, XPath |
No summary! | ||
4 | ancestor-or-self | Axe, XPath |
No summary! | ||
5 | attribute | Axe, XPath |
The attribute axis indicates the attributes of the context node. Only elements have attributes. This axis can be abbreviated with the at sign (@ ). |
6 | child | Axe, XPath |
The child axis indicates the children of the context node. If an XPath expression does not specify an axis, the child axis is understood by default. Since only the root node or element nodes have children, any other use will select nothing. |
7 | descendant | Axe, XPath |
The descendant axis indicates all of the children of the context node, and all of their children, and so forth. Attribute and namespace nodes are not included - the parent of an attribute node is an element node, but attribute nodes are not the children of their parents. |
8 | descendant-or-self | Axe, XPath |
The descendant-or-self axis indicates the context node and all of its descendants. Attribute and namespace nodes are not included - the parent of an attribute node is an element node, but attribute nodes are not the children of their parents. |
9 | following | Axe, XPath |
The following axis indicates all the nodes that appear after the context node, except any descendant , attribute , and namespace nodes. |
10 | following-sibling | Axe, XPath |
The following-sibling axis indicates all the nodes that have the same parent as the context node and appear after the context node in the source document. |
11 | namespace | Axe, XPath |
(not supported) | ||
12 | parent | Axe, XPath |
The parent axis indicates the single node that is the parent of the context node. It can be abbreviated as two periods (.. ). |
13 | preceding | Axe, XPath |
The preceding axis indicates all the nodes that precede the context node in the document except any ancestor , attribute and namespace nodes. |
14 | preceding-sibling | Axe, XPath |
The preceding-sibling axis indicates all the nodes that have the same parent as the context node and appear before the context node in the source document. |
15 | self | Axe, XPath |
The self axis indicates the context node itself. It can be abbreviated as a single period (. ). |
16 | Functions | Transforming_XML_with_XSLT, XPath, XPath_Reference, XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
17 | boolean | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
The boolean function evaluates an expression and returns true or false. |
18 | ceiling | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
19 | choose | Function, XPath, XSLT |
The choose function returns one of the specified objects based on a boolean parameter. |
20 | concat | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
21 | contains | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
22 | count | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
23 | current | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
The current function can be used to get the context node in an XSLT instruction. |
24 | document | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
The document finds a node-set in an external document, or multiple external documents, and returns the resulting node-set. |
25 | element-available | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
26 | false | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
27 | floor | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
The floor function evaluates a decimal number and returns the largest integer less than or equal to the decimal number. |
28 | format-number | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
29 | function-available | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
30 | generate-id | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
31 | id | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
32 | key | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
33 | lang | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
34 | last | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
35 | local-name | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
36 | name | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
37 | namespace-uri | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
38 | normalize-space | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
39 | not | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
The not function evaluates a boolean expression and returns the opposite value. |
40 | number | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
41 | position | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
42 | round | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
43 | starts-with | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
44 | string | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
45 | string-length | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
46 | substring | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
47 | substring-after | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
48 | substring-before | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
49 | sum | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
50 | system-property | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
51 | translate | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
The translate function evaluates a string and a set of characters to translate and returns the translated string. |
52 | true | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
53 | unparsed-entity-url | XSLT, XSLT_Reference |
No summary! | ||
54 | Index | Index, Reference, XPath, XSLT |
Found 55 pages: | ||
55 | XPath snippets | |
Technical review completed. Editorial review completed. | ||