
The MathML <mpadded> element is used to add extra padding and to set the general adjustment of position and size of enclosed contents.


class, id, style
Provided for use with stylesheets.
Sets or increments the depth. Possible values: Any length or an increment/decrement (a length prefixed with "+" or "-") .
Sets or increments the height. Possible values: Any length or an increment/decrement (a length prefixed with "+" or "-") .
Used to set a hyperlink to a specified URI.
Sets or increments the horizontal position. Possible values: Any length or an increment/decrement (a length prefixed with "+" or "-") .
The background color. You can use #rgb, #rrggbb and HTML color names.
The text color. You can use #rgb, #rrggbb and HTML color names.
Sets or increments the vertical position. Possible values: Any length or an increment/decrement (a length prefixed with "+" or "-") .
Sets or increments the width. Possible values: Any length or an increment/decrement (a length prefixed with "+" or "-") .


It is possible to use the keywords "depth", "height", and "width" as a pseudo-unit for the attributes depth, height, lspace, voffset, and width. They represent each length of the same-named dimension.
Prior to Gecko 7.0 (Firefox 7.0 / Thunderbird 7.0 / SeaMonkey 2.4) the MathML2 pseudo-unit lspace was allowed, which is no longer present in the MathML3 Recommendation and has been removed now.


  <mpadded height="+150px" width="100px" lspace="2height">
    <mi> x </mi>
    <mo> + </mo>
    <mi> y </mi>


Specification Status Comment
MathML 3.0
The definition of 'mpadded' in that specification.
Recommendation Current specification
MathML 2.0
The definition of 'mpadded' in that specification.
Recommendation Initial specification

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support No support 1.0 (1.7 or earlier) [1] No support No support No support
href No support 7.0 (7.0) No support No support 10.0
mathbackground No support 4.0 (2.0) No support No support (Yes)
mathcolor No support 4.0 (2.0) No support No support (Yes)
voffset No support 7.0 (7.0) No support No support No support

[1] <mpadded> within <mtable> is not supported before Firefox 20 - see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=459363

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Yaffle, fscholz, Sheppy, Jon972, jswisher
 Last updated by: Yaffle,