
any-pointer is a CSS media feature that can be used to check whether any available input mechanism is a pointing device, and if so, how accurate it is.

Enumerated values

Value Meaning
none The device does not include any pointing device.
coarse At least one input mechanism of the device includes a pointing device of limited accuracy.
fine At least one input mechanism of the device includes an accurate pointing device.


Specification Status Comment
Media Queries Level 4
The definition of 'any-pointer' in that specification.
Working Draft Added in Media Queries Level 4

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Edge Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 41 No support[2] 20 or earlier (12) Nightly build 28 9 [1]

[1]: Implemented in WebKit bug #134822.

[2]: bug 1035774 – Implement Interaction Media Features

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: alberts+, Druzion, cvrebert, Sebastianz, dannyfritz, kscarfone, jpmedley
 Last updated by: alberts+,