
Warning: This property reflects an old version of the CSS Flexible Box Layout Module standard. The -moz-box-direction will only be used for XUL while the previous standard box-direction has been replaced by flex-direction.

See Flexbox for more information.


The CSS box-direction property specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge). See Flexbox for more about the properties of flexbox elements.

Initial valuenormal
Applies toelements with a CSS display value of box or inline-box
Computed valueas specified
Animation typediscrete
Canonical orderthe unique non-ambiguous order defined by the formal grammar


How to read CSS syntax.
normal | reverse | inherit


The box lays out its contents from the start (the left or top edge).
The box lays out its contents from the end (the right or bottom edge).


.example {
  /* bottom-to-top layout */
  -moz-box-direction: reverse;      /* Mozilla */
  -webkit-box-direction: reverse;   /* WebKit */
  box-direction: reverse;           /* As specified */


The edge of the box designated the start for layout purposes depends on the box's orientation:

Horizontal left
Vertical top

The edge opposite to the start is designated the end.

If the direction is set using the element's dir attribute, then the style is ignored.


Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support (Yes)-webkit (Yes)-webkit (Yes)-moz[1] No support (Yes)-webkit 1.1-khtml

[1] In addition to the -moz prefixed support, Gecko 48.0 (Firefox 48.0 / Thunderbird 48.0 / SeaMonkey 2.45) added support for a -webkit prefixed version of the property for web compatibility reasons behind the preference layout.css.prefixes.webkit, defaulting to false. Since Gecko 49.0 (Firefox 49.0 / Thunderbird 49.0 / SeaMonkey 2.46) the preference defaults to true.

See also

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 Last updated by: erikadoyle,