
The XMLHttpRequest.open() method initializes a request. This method is to be used from JavaScript code; to initialize a request from native code, use openRequest() instead.

Note: Calling this method for an already active request (one for which open() or openRequest() has already been called) is the equivalent of calling abort().


XMLHttpRequest.open(method, url)
XMLHttpRequest.open(method, url, async)
XMLHttpRequest.open(method, url, async, user)
XMLHttpRequest.open(method, url, async, user, password)


The HTTP method to use, such as "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", etc. Ignored for non-HTTP(S) URLs.
A DOMString representing the URL to send the request to.
async Optional
An optional Boolean parameter, defaulting to true, indicating whether or not to perform the operation asynchronously. If this value is false, the send()method does not return until the response is received. If true, notification of a completed transaction is provided using event listeners. This must be true if the multipart attribute is true, or an exception will be thrown.
Note: Starting with Gecko 30.0 (Firefox 30.0 / Thunderbird 30.0 / SeaMonkey 2.27), synchronous requests on the main thread have been deprecated due to the negative effects to the user experience.
user Optional
The optional user name to use for authentication purposes; by default, this is the null value.
password Optional
The optional password to use for authentication purposes; by default, this is the null value.


Specification Status Comment
The definition of 'open()' in that specification.
Living Standard WHATWG living standard

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 1 (Yes) (Yes) 5[1]
(Yes) 1.2

[1] This feature was implemented via ActiveXObject(). Internet Explorer implements the standard XMLHttpRequest since version 7.

See also

Using XMLHttpRequest

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Makyen, erikadoyle, teoli, Majr, nadih, MashKao, jsx
 Last updated by: Makyen,