
The SVGGeometryElement.isPointInFill() method determines whether a given point is within the fill shape of an element. Normal hit testing rules apply; the value of the pointer-events property on the element determines whether a point is considered to be within the fill. The point argument is interpreted as a point in the local coordiante system of the element.


boolean someElement.isPointInFill(DOMPoint point);


A DOMPoint interpreted as a point in the local coordiante system of the element.

Return value

A boolean indicating whether the given point is within the fill or not.


Specification Status Comment
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2
The definition of 'SVGGeometryElement.isPointInFill()' in that specification.
Candidate Recommendation Initial definition

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support (Yes) ? No support[1] ? ? ?

[1] This method is not yet implemented. See bug 1325319.


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: jpmedley, Sebastianz
 Last updated by: jpmedley,