
A PresentationAvailability object is associated with available presentation displays and represents the presentation display availability for a presentation request. If the controlling user agent can monitor the list of available presentation displays in the background (without a pending request to start()), the PresentationAvailability object MUST be implemented in a controlling browsing context.

The value attribute MUST return the last value it was set to. The value is updated by the monitor the list of available presentation displays algorithm.

The onchange attribute is an event handler whose corresponding event handler event type is change.


PresentationAvailability.value Read only
A boolean value indicating whether the given presentation display is available. The value attribute MUST return the last value it was set to.

Event handlers

Indicates that the availability of the presentation display has changed.




Specification Status Comment
Presentation API
The definition of 'PresentationAvailability interface' in that specification.
Candidate Recommendation Initial definition.

Browser Compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support


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Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: MashKao, rolfedh, jpmedley
 Last updated by: MashKao,