
This is an experimental technology
Because this technology's specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for usage in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future versions of browsers as the specification changes.

The PerformanceNavigationTiming interface provides methods and properties to store and retrieve high resolution timestamps or metrics regarding the browser's document navigation events. For example, this interface can be used to determine how much time it takes to load or unload a document.

This interface extends the following PerformanceEntry properties by qualifying and constraining the property values for performance entries with a "navigation" entry type.


PerformanceNavigationTiming.domComplete Read only
A DOMHighResTimeStamp representing a time value equal to the time immediately before the browser sets the current document readiness of the current document to complete.
PerformanceNavigationTiming.domContentLoadedEventEnd Read only
A DOMHighResTimeStamp representing the time value equal to the time immediately after the current document's DOMContentLoaded event completes.
PerformanceNavigationTiming.domContentLoadedEventStart Read only
A DOMHighResTimeStamp representing the time value equal to the time immediately before the user agent fires the DOMContentLoaded event at the current document.
PerformanceNavigationTiming.domInteractive Read only
A DOMHighResTimeStamp representing a timestamp representing the time value equal to the time immediately before the user agent sets the current document readiness of the current document to interactive.
PerformanceNavigationTiming.loadEventEnd Read only
A DOMHighResTimeStamp representing the time when the load event of the current document is completed.
PerformanceNavigationTiming.loadEventStart Read only
A DOMHighResTimeStamp representing the time value equal to the time immediately before the load event of the current document is fired.
PerformanceNavigationTiming.redirectCount Read only
A number representing the number of redirects since the last non-redirect navigation under the current browsing context.
PerformanceNavigationTiming.type Read only
A string representing the navigation type. Must be: "navigate", "reload", "back_forward" or "prerender".
PerformanceNavigationTiming.unloadEventEnd Read only
A DOMHighResTimeStamp representing the time value equal to the time immediately after the user agent finishes the unload event of the previous document.
PerformanceNavigationTiming.unloadEventStart Read only
A DOMHighResTimeStamp representing the time value equal to the time immediately before the user agent starts the unload event of the previous document.


Returns a DOMString that is the JSON representation of the PerformanceNavigationTiming object.


Specification Status Comment
Navigation Timing Level 2
The definition of 'PerformanceNavigationTiming' in that specification.
Editor's Draft Initial definition.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support. 57 (Yes) No support No support 44 No support

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: jpmedley, abbycar, rolfedh, AFBarstow
 Last updated by: jpmedley,