
PerformanceMeasure is an abstract interface for performance entries with an entry type of "measure". Entries of this type are created by calling performance.measure() to add a named DOMHighResTimeStamp (the measure) between two marks to the browser's performance timeline.

The PerformanceMeasure interface has no properties, no methods nor any constructors. However, it qualifies and constrains the following PerformanceEntry properties for "measure" type performance entries: name, entryType, startTime and duration.


This interface has no properties but it extends the following PerformanceEntry properties by qualifying/constrainting the properties as follows:

Set to "measure".
Set to the name given to the measure when it was created via a call to performance.measure().
Set to the timestamp when performance.measure() was called.
Set to a DOMHighResTimeStamp that is the duration of the measure (typically, the measure's end mark timestamp minus its start mark timestamp).


This interface has no methods.


See the example in Using the User Timing API.


Specification Status Comment
User Timing
The definition of 'PerformanceMeasure' in that specification.
Editor's Draft  
User Timing
The definition of 'PerformanceMeasure' in that specification.
Recommendation Basic definition.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support. 43 (Yes) 41 10 33 No support

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: jpmedley, abbycar, stephaniehobson, AFBarstow
 Last updated by: jpmedley,