Secure context
This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.
This is an experimental technology
Because this technology's specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for usage in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future versions of browsers as the specification changes.
The shippingOption
read-only property of the PaymentRequest
interface returns the shipping option selected by the user. It is null
by default. This property is only populated if the constructor is called with the requestShipping
flag set to true.
var shippingOption = PaymentRequest.shippingOption;
In the example below, the PaymentRequest.onshippingaoptionchange
event is called. It callsupdateDetails()
to toggle the shipping method between 'standard' and 'express'.
// Initialization of PaymentRequest arguments are excerpted for the sake of // brevity. var payment = new PaymentRequest(supportedInstruments, details, options); request.addEventListener('shippingoptionchange', function(evt) { evt.updateWith(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { updateDetails(details, request.shippingOption, resolve, reject); })); }); { // Processing of paymentResponse exerpted for the same of brevity. }).catch(function(err) { console.error("Uh oh, something bad happened", err.message); }); function updateDetails(details, shippingOption, resolve, reject) { var selectedShippingOption; var otherShippingOption; if (shippingOption === 'standard') { selectedShippingOption = details.shippingOptions[0]; otherShippingOption = details.shippingOptions[1]; = '55.00'; } else if (shippingOption === 'express') { selectedShippingOption = details.shippingOptions[1]; otherShippingOption = details.shippingOptions[0]; = '67.00'; } else { reject('Unknown shipping option \'' + shippingOption + '\''); return; } selectedShippingOption.selected = true; otherShippingOption.selected = false; details.displayItems.splice(2, 1, selectedShippingOption); resolve(details); }
Specification | Status | Comment |
Payment Request API The definition of 'shippingOption' in that specification. |
Editor's Draft | Initial definition. |