
This is an experimental technology
Because this technology's specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for usage in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future versions of browsers as the specification changes.

The KeyframeEffectReadOnly interface of the Web Animations API describes sets of animatable properties and values that can be played using the Animation.Animation() constructor, and which are inherited by KeyframeEffect.

Note: The animations created with KeyframeEffectReadOnly are immutable. To create animations you can change with JavaScript on the fly, try KeyframeEffect instead.


Returns a new KeyframeEffectReadOnly object instance, and also allows you to clone an existing keyframe effect object instance.


This interface inherits some of its methods and properties from its parent AnimationEffectReadOnly. Read only
The element or pseudo-element being animated by this object. This may be null for animations that do not target a specific element.
AnimationEffectReadOnly.timing Read only
The AnimationEffectTimingReadOnly object associated with the animation containing all the animation's timing values.

Future properties

The following options are currently not shipped anywhere, but will be added in the near future.

KeyframeEffectReadOnly.composite Read only
The composite operation property for resolving the property value changes between this and other keyframe effects.
KeyframeEffectReadOnly.iterationComposite Read only
The iteration composite operation for resolving the property value changes of this keyframe effect.


KeyframeEffectReadOnly.getKeyframes() Read only
Returns the computed keyframes that make up this effect along with their computed keyframe offsets.
AnimationEffectReadOnly.getComputedTiming() Read only
Returns the calculated, current timing values for this keyframe effect.


In the Down the Rabbit Hole (with CSS Animations) example, all of Alice's animations are done with CSS. CSS Animations use KeyframeEffectReadOnly objects, so you can't tinker with them directly with the Web Animations API. But you can inspect them like so:

// Have a look at the animations on Alice. 
// Her effect is a KeyframeEffectReadOnly object.
// Inspect her timing object. 
// See what her current timing values are right now. 
// How do they differ from the above?


Specification Status Comment
Web Animations
The definition of 'keyframeEffectReadOnly' in that specification.
Working Draft Editor's draft.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Edge Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support (Yes) No support (Yes) No support No support No support
composite and iterationComposite options No support No support No support No support No support No support
Clone constructor (2nd type of constructor) (Yes) No support No support[1] No support No support No support

[1] Only enabled in Firefox 52 Nightly and Dev edition. Turned off in Beta/release.

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: chrisdavidmills, xfq, birtles, suzyh, rachelnabors
 Last updated by: chrisdavidmills,