The lower
read-only property of the IDBKeyRange
interface returns the lower bound of the key range.
var lower = myKeyRange.lower
The lower bound of the key range (can be any type.)
The following example illustrates how you'd use a key range. Here we declare keyRangeValue = IDBKeyRange.upperBound("F", "W", true, true);
— a range that includes everything between "F" and "W" but not including them — since both the upper and lower bounds have been declared as open (true
). We open a transaction (using IDBTransaction
) and an object store, and open a Cursor with IDBObjectStore.openCursor
, declaring keyRangeValue
as its optional key range value.
After declaring the key range, we log its lower
property value to the console, which should appear as "F".
Note: For a more complete example allowing you to experiment with key range, have a look at our IDBKeyRange-example repo (view the example live too.)
function displayData() { var keyRangeValue = IDBKeyRange.bound("F", "W", true, true); console.log(keyRangeValue.lower); var transaction = db.transaction(['fThings'], 'readonly'); var objectStore = transaction.objectStore('fThings'); objectStore.openCursor(keyRangeValue).onsuccess = function(event) { var cursor =; if(cursor) { var listItem = document.createElement('li'); listItem.innerHTML = '<strong>' + cursor.value.fThing + '</strong>, ' + cursor.value.fRating; list.appendChild(listItem); cursor.continue(); } else { console.log('Entries all displayed.'); } }; };
Specification | Status | Comment |
Indexed Database API The definition of 'lower' in that specification. |
Recommendation | |
Indexed Database API 2.0 The definition of 'lower' in that specification. |
Editor's Draft |
Browser compatibility
See also
- Using IndexedDB
- Starting transactions:
- Using transactions:
- Setting a range of keys:
- Retrieving and making changes to your data:
- Using cursors:
- Reference example: To-do Notifications (view example live.)