
The HTMLContentElement.getDistributedNodes() method returns a static NodeList of the distributed nodes associated with this <content> element.


var nodeList = object.getDistributedNodes()


// Get the distributed nodes
var nodes = myContentObject.getDistributedNodes();


This feature is no longer defined by any specifications.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support 35 28 (28) [1] No support 26 No support

[1] If Shadow DOM is not enabled in Firefox, <content> elements will behave like HTMLUnknownElement. Shadow DOM was first implemented in Firefox 28 and is behind a preference, dom.webcomponents.enabled, which is disabled by default.

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: DomenicDenicola, fscholz, markg
 Last updated by: DomenicDenicola,