
This is an experimental technology
Because this technology's specification has not stabilized, check the compatibility table for usage in various browsers. Also note that the syntax and behavior of an experimental technology is subject to change in future versions of browsers as the specification changes.

The DocumentTimeline interface of the the Web Animations API represents animation timelines, including the default document timeline (accessed via Document.timeline).


Creates a new DocumentTimeline object associated with the active document of the current browsing context.


This interface inherits its property from its parent, AnimationTimeline.

Returns the time value in milliseconds for this timeline or null if it is inactive.


We could share a single documentTimeline among multiple animations, thus allowing us to manipulate just that group of animations via their shared timeline. This bit of code would start all the cats animating 500 milliseconds into their animations:

var cats = document.querySelectorAll('.sharedTimelineCat');
cats =;
var sharedTimeline = new DocumentTimeline({ originTime: 500 });
cats.forEach(function(cat) { 
  var catKeyframes = new KeyframeEffect(cat, keyframes, timing);
  var catAnimation = new Animation(catKeyframes, sharedTimeline);; 


Specification Status Comment
Web Animations
The definition of 'DocumentTimeline' in that specification.
Working Draft Editor's draft.

Browser compatibility

Feature Chrome Firefox (Gecko) Internet Explorer Opera Safari (WebKit)
Basic support No support No support No support No support No support
Feature Android Android Webview Firefox Mobile (Gecko) Firefox OS IE Mobile Opera Mobile Safari Mobile Chrome for Android
Basic support No support No support No support No support No support No support No support No support

See also

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, birtles, rachelnabors, chrisdavidmills
 Last updated by: Sheppy,