Atomic RSS

"Getting Started" box, if there is no "Getting Started" article yet written, should be populated with another feature article or tutorial, should one exist. Otherwise, just comment it out

Getting Started
A guided tutorial that will help you get started with Atomic RSS.

Atomic RSS uses Atom as an RSS Module. It brings in Atom elements into RSS, adding the advantages of Atom to RSS while maintaining backwards compatibility.


Selected Articles

Atomic RSS
Tim Bray talks about using Atom 1.0 as a micro format and extension module for RSS 2.0; keeping RSS 2.0 as your sydication format but bringing in and using selected Atom 1.0 elements.



  • none available at this time


  • none available at this time


  • none available at this time


Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: teoli, alispivak, ethertank, jswisher, Charles
 Last updated by: teoli,