Managing ESR Branches

Every 10 months or so we will release a new Firefox ESR build. In turn this means we need to create a new mozmill-esrN branch. A few weeks following the release we will also drop support for the old ESR release. In turn this means we need to deprecate the old mozmill-esrN branch. Follow the instructions below to create a new branch and deprecate the old branch.

Creating a new ESR branch

Create a new ESR branch out of the mozilla-release branch.

Warning: Only perform this action after the mozilla-beta -> mozilla-release merge has been performed.
$ hg pull
$ hg up -C mozilla-release 
$ hg branch mozilla-esr%VERSION%
$ hg commit -m "Create mozilla-esr%VERSION% branch"
$ hg push --new-branch
Note: %VERSION% in this case refers to the version number of the new release (ex. 10)

Deprecating an old ESR branch

Once an ESR release no longer becomes supported (usually after 1 or 2 point releases on the new version), we need to deprecate the old ESR branch.

Warning: Only perform this action once support for a given ESR release has been dropped.
$ hg pull
$ hg up -C mozilla-esr%VERSION% 
$ hg commit --close-branch -m "Close mozilla-esr%VERSION% branch"
$ hg push
Note: %VERSION% in this case refers to the version number of the old release (ex. 10)

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: Sheppy, Ashughes
 Last updated by: Sheppy,