
Notifies all the threads waiting for a change in the state of monitored data.


#include <prcmon.h> 
PRStatus PR_CNotifyAll(void *address);


The function has the following parameter:

The address of the monitored object. The calling thread must be in the monitor at the time PR_CNotifyAll is called.


  • PR_SUCCESS indicates that the referenced monitor was located and the calling thread was in the monitor.
  • PR_FAILURE indicates that the referenced monitor could not be located or that the calling thread was not in the monitor


Using the value specified in the address parameter to find a monitor in the monitor cache, PR_CNotifyAll notifies all threads waiting for the monitor's state to change. All of the threads waiting on the state change are then scheduled to reenter the monitor.

Document Tags and Contributors

 Contributors to this page: teoli, alecananian
 Last updated by: teoli,