


The property onbeforeprint sets and returns the onbeforeprint event handler code for the current window.


window.onbeforeprint = event handling code


Some browsers (including Firefox 6 and later and Internet Explorer) send beforeprint and afterprint events to let content determine when printing may have occurred. You can use this to adjust the user interface presented during printing (such as by displaying or hiding user interface elements during the print process).

The event beforeprint is raised before the print job dialog appears.


Browser compatibility

Feature Firefox (Gecko) Chrome Edge Internet Explorer Opera Safari
Basic support 6.0 no (Yes) (Yes) no no

See also

  • window.print
  • window.onafterprint
  • Printing
  • It's able to do equivalent things in Webkit-based browser with window.matchMedia('print')
  • var mediaQueryList = window.matchMedia('print');
    mediaQueryList.addListener('change', function(mql) {
        if (mql.matches) {

Document Tags and Contributors

 Last updated by: rianby64,