LOADUNIMAP(8) System Manager's Manual LOADUNIMAP(8)
loadunimap - load the kernel unicode-to-font mapping table
loadunimap [ -C console ] [ -o oldmap ] [ map ]
The loadunimap command is obsolete - its function is now built-in into setfont. However, for backwards compatibility it is still available as a separate command. The program loadunimap loads the specified map in the kernel unicode- to-font mapping table. If no map is given def is assumed. The default extension (that can be omitted) is .uni. If the -o oldmap option is given, the old map is saved in the file specified. On Linux 2.6.1 and later one can specify the console device using the -C option. Usually one does not call loadunimap directly - its function is also built into setfont.
@DATADIR@/unimaps is the default directory for unicode mappings.
mapscrn(8), setfont(8)
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2004-01-01 LOADUNIMAP(8)
Pages that refer to this page: setfont(8)