ZBXPCP(3)                 Library Functions Manual                 ZBXPCP(3)

NAME         top

       zbxpcp - Zabbix Agent Loadable PCP Module

DESCRIPTION         top

       The zbxpcp loadable module extends Zabbix agent by making Performance
       Co-Pilot (PCP) metrics available to it.  With the zbxpcp module
       configured in zabbix_agentd.conf all the PCP metrics are available
       from the Zabbix agent like any other agent items.  As a loadable
       module (DSO) zbxpcp does not rely on any external programs but
       directly uses the PCP APIs to fetch PCP metrics when requested.
       A typical Linux PCP installation offers over 1,000 metrics by default
       and is in turn extensible with its own plugins, or PMDAs
       (``Performance Metrics Domain Agents'').  In addition to very
       complete /proc based statistics, readily available PCP PMDAs provide
       support for such system and application level components as 389
       Directory Server, Apache, containers, GFS2, Gluster, KVM, MySQL, NFS,
       Oracle, Postfix, PostgreSQL, Samba, and Sendmail, among others.  PCP
       also runs on many platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD,
       NetBSD, Solaris, and Windows.
       For PCP introduction, see PCPIntro(1).  To investigate the available
       PCP metrics, use for example pminfo(1).  The PCP Quick Reference
       Guide is available at the PCP home page
       For general information about Zabbix data collection and loadable
       modules, see  For
       Zabbix introduction and downloads, see
       zbxpcp is compatible with the Zabbix module API version 1.


       First make sure PCP is installed and configured properly, see the
       above references for instructions and use for example pminfo(1) to
       make sure the PCP metrics can be fetched.  To enable the zbxpcp
       loadable module in a Zabbix agent, the following lines must be added
       to the Zabbix agent configuration file zabbix_agentd.conf (make sure
       to use the correct LoadModulePath):
       After restarting the Zabbix agent all the PCP metrics will be
       available with the ``pcp.''  prefix like all the other agent items.
       This can be verified with the commands:
           $ pminfo -t
           $ zabbix_agentd -p
           $ pminfo -f kernel.all.sysfork
           $ zabbix_get -s -p 10050 -k pcp.kernel.all.sysfork
       Then to collect PCP metrics from Zabbix agents, the Zabbix server
       side configuration is as usual (see Zabbix documentation if needed).
       The PCP pmcd service must always be running when starting up a zbxpcp
       enabled Zabbix agent, otherwise the module will fail to load and the
       PCP metrics will not become available.  Special care must be taken to
       make sure this happens also when rebooting the system.

FILES         top

                 Typical Zabbix agent configuration file location.
                 Optional PCP derived metrics configuration file for zbxpcp.
                 See pmLoadDerivedConfig(3) for more info on derived
                 Zabbix agent loadable PCP module.

SEE ALSO         top

       PCPIntro(1), pminfo(1), pmrep(1), zabbix_get(1),
       pmLoadDerivedConfig(3) and zabbix_agentd(8).

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the PCP (Performance Co-Pilot) project.
       Information about the project can be found at ⟨⟩.
       If you have a bug report for this manual page, send it to  This page was obtained from the project's upstream
       Git repository ⟨git://⟩ on 2017-07-05.  If you discover
       any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you
       believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or
       you have corrections or improvements to the information in this
       COLOPHON (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail
Performance Co-Pilot                 PCP                           ZBXPCP(3)

Pages that refer to this page: pmrep.conf(5)