stg-series - Print the patch series
stg series [options] [--] [<patch-range>]
Show all the patches in the series, or just those in the given range, ordered from top to bottom. The applied patches are prefixed with a + (except the current patch, which is prefixed with a >), the unapplied patches with a -, and the hidden patches with a !. Empty patches are prefixed with a 0.
-b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH Use BRANCH instead of the default branch. -a, --all Show all patches, including the hidden ones. -A, --applied Show the applied patches only. -U, --unapplied Show the unapplied patches only. -H, --hidden Show the hidden patches only. -m BRANCH, --missing BRANCH Show patches in BRANCH missing in current. -c, --count Print the number of patches in the series. -d, --description Show a short description for each patch. --author Show the author name for each patch. -e, --empty Before the +, >, -, and ! prefixes, print a column that contains either 0 (for empty patches) or a space (for non-empty patches). --showbranch Append the branch name to the listed patches. --noprefix Do not show the patch status prefix. -s, --short List just the patches around the topmost patch.
Part of the StGit suite - see stg(1)
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StGit 07/05/2017 STG-SERIES(1)
Pages that refer to this page: stg(1)