srptool(1)                      User Commands                     srptool(1)

NAME         top

       srptool - GnuTLS SRP tool

SYNOPSIS         top

       srptool [-flags] [-flag [value]] [--option-name[[=| ]value]]
       All arguments must be options.

DESCRIPTION         top

       Simple program that emulates the programs in the Stanford SRP (Secure
       Remote Password) libraries using GnuTLS.  It is intended for use in
       places where you don't expect SRP authentication to be the used for
       system users.
       In  brief,  to use SRP you need to create two files. These are the
       password file that holds the users and the verifiers associated with
       them  and  the configuration file to hold the group parameters
       (called tpasswd.conf).

OPTIONS         top

       -d number, --debug=number
              Enable debugging.  This option takes an integer number as its
              argument.  The value of number is constrained to being:
                  in the range  0 through 9999
              Specifies the debug level.
       -i number, --index=number
              specify the index of the group parameters in tpasswd.conf to
              use.  This option takes an integer number as its argument.
              The default number for this option is:
       -u string, --username=string
              specify a username.
       -p string, --passwd=string
              specify a password file.
       -s number, --salt=number
              specify salt size.  This option takes an integer number as its
              just verify the password..
              Verifies the password provided against the password file.
       -v string, --passwd-conf=string
              specify a password conf file..
              Specify a filename or a PKCS #11 URL to read the CAs from.
              Generate a password configuration file..
              This generates a password configuration file (tpasswd.conf)
              containing the required for TLS parameters.
       -h, --help
              Display usage information and exit.
       -!, --more-help
              Pass the extended usage information through a pager.
       -v [{v|c|n --version [{v|c|n}]}]
              Output version of program and exit.  The default mode is `v',
              a simple version.  The `c' mode will print copyright
              information and `n' will print the full copyright notice.

EXAMPLES         top

       To create tpasswd.conf which holds the g and n values for SRP
       protocol (generator and a large prime), run:
           $ srptool --create-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf
       This command will create /etc/tpasswd and will add user 'test' (you
       will also be prompted for a password). Verifiers are stored by
       default in the way libsrp expects.
           $ srptool --passwd /etc/tpasswd --passwd-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf -u test
       This command will check against a password. If the password matches
       the one in /etc/tpasswd you will get an ok.
           $ srptool --passwd /etc/tpasswd --passwd-conf /etc/tpasswd.conf --verify -u test

EXIT STATUS         top

       One of the following exit values will be returned:
       0  (EXIT_SUCCESS)
              Successful program execution.
       1  (EXIT_FAILURE)
              The operation failed or the command syntax was not valid.
       70  (EX_SOFTWARE)
              libopts had an internal operational error.  Please report it
              to  Thank you.

SEE ALSO         top

           gnutls-cli-debug (1), gnutls-serv (1), srptool (1), psktool (1),
       certtool (1)

AUTHORS         top

       Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos, Simon Josefsson and others; see
       /usr/share/doc/gnutls/AUTHORS for a complete list.

COPYRIGHT         top

       Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Free Software Foundation, and others all
       rights reserved.  This program is released under the terms of the GNU
       General Public License, version 3 or later.

BUGS         top

       Please send bug reports to:

NOTES         top

       This manual page was AutoGen-erated from the srptool option

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the GnuTLS (GnuTLS Transport Layer Security
       Library) project.  Information about the project can be found at 
       ⟨⟩.  If you have a bug report for this manual
       page, send it to  This page was obtained from the
       tarball gnutls-3.5.9.tar.xz fetched from 
       ⟨⟩ on 2017-07-05.  If you discover
       any rendering problems in this HTML version of the page, or you
       believe there is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or
       you have corrections or improvements to the information in this
       COLOPHON (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail
3.5.9                            12 Feb 2017                      srptool(1)