make_win_bin_dist - package MySQL distribution as ZIP archive
make_win_bin_dist [options] package_basename [copy_def ...]
This script is used on Windows after building a MySQL distribution from source to create executable programs. It packages the binaries and support files into a ZIP archive that can be unpacked at the location where you want to install MySQL. make_win_bin_dist is a shell script, so you must have Cygwin installed to use it. This program´s use is subject to change. Currently, you invoke it as follows from the root directory of your source distribution: shell> make_win_bin_dist [options] package_basename [copy_def ...] The package_basename argument provides the basename for the resulting ZIP archive. This name will be the name of the directory that results from unpacking the archive. Because you might want to include files of directories from other builds, you can instruct this script do copy them in for you, via copy_def arguments, which of which is of the form relative_dest_name=source_name. Example: bin/mysqld-max.exe=../my-max-build/sql/release/mysqld.exe If you specify a directory, the entire directory will be copied. make_win_bin_dist supports the following options. · --debug Pack the debug binaries and produce an error if they were not built. · --embedded Pack the embedded server and produce an error if it was not built. The default is to pack it if it was built. · --exe-suffix=suffix Add a suffix to the basename of the mysql binary. For example, a suffix of -abc produces a binary named mysqld-abc.exe. · --no-debug Do not pack the debug binaries even if they were built. · --no-embedded Do not pack the embedded server even if it was built. · --only-debug Use this option when the target for this build was Debug, and you just want to replace the normal binaries with debug versions (that is, do not use separate debug directories).
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MariaDB 10.1 14/12/2015 MAKE_WIN_BIN_DIST(1)