Java EE 7 SDK 

Index of Sample Applications

The following is a list of sample applications included with the Java EE 7 SDK. Click on the name of each sample application to learn more about the sample and the procedure to build and run it.

Sample ApplicationDescription
Batch Processing 1.0
The JobOperator API Batch Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the JobOperator interface to submit batch jobs.

The Payroll Batch Sample Application

Demonstrates how to submit batch jobs and how to implement the ItemReader, ItemProcessor, and ItemWriter interfaces.

Contexts and Dependency Injection 1.1
The Bean Validation CDI Sample Application

Demonstrates how to inject beans with validation constraints.

The JavaServer Faces CDI Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use CDI with JavaServer Faces.

The Servlet CDI Sample Application

Demonstrates how to inject and use request-scoped and session-scoped CDI beans in a web application.

The Events CDI Sample Application

Demonstrates how stateless EJBs can produce events and how singleton EJBs can consume them.

The Interceptors CDI Sample Application

Demonstrates how interceptors can be added to a CDI bean that mimics a shopping cart.

The Transactional Annotation CDI Sample Application

Demonstrates how to inject a bean annotated with the @Transactional annotation.

The TransactionScoped Annotation CDI Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the @TransactionScoped annotation on a bean and how to inject this bean within a transactional context.

Concurrency Utilities 1.0
The Executor Concurrency Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the ManagedExecutorService interface to submit tasks.

The Schedule Concurrency Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the ManagedScheduledExecutorService interface to submit delayed or periodic tasks.

The Threads Concurrency Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the ManagedThreadFactory interface to obtain a thread from the Java EE container.

Connector Architecture 1.7
The MailConnector Resource Adapter Sample Application

Demonstrates how to create a resource adapter and deploy connector resources with annotations defined in the Java EE Connector Architecture 1.7 specification.

Enterprise Java Beans 3.2
The Automatic Timer EJB Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the automatic timer functionality in EJBs.

The WAR-based EJB Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the WAR-based packaging, the no-interface local view, singleton session beans, and startup/shutdown callbacks.

The Embeddable API EJB Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the embeddable EJB container.

The Stateless Bean EJB Sample Application

Demonstrates how to create an stateless session bean with a remote business interface and how perform a JNDI lookup for an EJB to use its business methods.

Expression Language 3.0
The Expression Language Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use some of the features of the Expression Language such as the standalone environment, static references, and new operators.

JavaServer Faces 2.2
The Resource Library Contracts JSF Sample Application
Demonstrates how to use Resource Library Contracts in Java ServerFaces 2.2.
The File Upload JSF Sample Application
Demonstrates how to use the h:inputFile component to upload files.
The Flows JSF Sample Application
Demonstrates how to use the Faces Flows feature.
The HTML5 JSF Sample Application
Demonstrates how to use HTML5 Form features in JavaServer Faces.
The HTML5 ScrumToys JSF Sample Application
Demonstrates how to use JavaServer Faces features in a more complex application.
JSON Processing 1.0
The JAX-RS JSONP Sample Application
Demonstrates how to use the Java API for JSON Processing with JAX-RS.
JAX-RS 2.0
The Asynchronous Chat JAX-RS Sample Application
Demonstrates how to use JAX-RS asynchronous features to implement a simple producer/consumer chat.
The Message Board JAX-RS Sample Application
Demonstrates how to use no-interface EJB session beans as RESTful resource classes deployed as a web application.
Servlet 3.1
The Absolute Ordering of Web Fragments Servlet Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use web fragments with absolute ordering.

The Annotations Servlet Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use annotations for servlets, filters, and content listeners.

The Asynchronous Processing Servlet Sample Application

Demonstrates how to process requests asynchronously in servlets.

The Dynamic Registration Servlet Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the dynamic registration features of servlets and filters from a servlet context listener.

The HTTP Upgrade Servlet Application

Demonstrates how to use the HTTP Protocol Upgrade API from the Servlet specification.

The JAR-Bundled JSP Resource Servlet Sample Application

Demonstrates how dynamic and static resources bundled inside the META-INF/resources directory of a JAR file inside the application's WEB-INF/lib directory may be accessed in the same way as if they had been placed in the application's document root.

The File Upload Servlet Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the support for multipart (also known as file upload) defined in the Servlet specification.

The Non-blocking I/O Read Servlet Sample Application

Demonstrates how to read a servlet request in a non-blocking manner.

The Non-blocking I/O Write Servlet Sample Application

Demonstrates how to write to a servlet response in a non-blocking manner.

The Servlet Container Initializer Sample Application

Demonstrates how the servlet container initializer feature can be used by libraries to register interest in certain types of applications and take whatever action as the library sees fit.

The Programmatic Configuration of HTTP Session Cookies Servlet Sample Application

Demonstrates the programmatic configuration support for session cookies available in servlets.

WebSocket 1.0
The Auction WebSocket Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use encoders and decoders for WebSocket messages by implementing an auction site that lets users submit real-time bids.

The Draw WebSocket Sample Application

Demonstrates the main advantage of the Java API for WebSocket compared to other technologies based on the HTTP protocol: bi-directional real-time communication. This sample consists of a drawing board shared among several users with real-time change propagation.

The Echo WebSocket Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the annotations in the Java API for WebSocket to create a simple WebSocket endpoint.

The Tic-tac-toe WebSocket Sample Application

Demonstrates how to use the WebSocket Client API in Java to create a Tic-tac-toe game with a JavaFX-based client.

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